Page 38 of The Harlequin
“I’m sorry,” she says. Tears are in her eyes. “I know you saw me with Eldrion and I’m sorry, Kayan.”
“We don’t need to talk about that.”
“Yes, we do.”
I shake my head, and sit down at the end of the bed. “No, we don’t. What is happening between you and Eldrion is not important right now. What’s important is whether you are all right?”
She studies me for a moment, then shakes her head and laughs. “All right? No, of course I’m not all right. Finn was lying to me. From the very day I met him, he was deceiving me. At least, I think he was. Unless his intentions were good and then they changed?” She is almost talking to herself. Her thoughts tumble from her lips, dancing around each other as she tries to piece together what has happened.
“There is no way to know what Finn planned or when he planned it, Alana. All we know is what he has done. Focus on that. His actions don’t lie.”
She meets my gaze, and I know she is thinking of Eldrion as well as Finn.
Both have done horrendous things. She loved Finn. Does she love Eldrion? Could she still love Finn after what she’s witnessed?
If the answer is yes, I’m not sure I know her at all.
“What do we do now?” She sits down hard on the coffee table opposite the bed. “Do you know? Can you tell me?”
“I know I’m here to help you.” I hang my head a little, sincerely wishing I could give her a better answer. “That’s all I know, Alana.”
“And how can you help me, Kayan?” She tilts her head, waiting for my answer. “What can you do to fight a demon when you cannot even touch?”
I breathe in deeply and pinch the bridge of my nose. My thoughts are racing. “I could help you track him?” The words form at the same time as the thought.
“Track him?”
“I tracked Rosalie.” I try not to flinch as I say her name because the need to be closer to her is almost too much to bear.
“I needed to know if she was all right.”
“Is she?”
I hang my head. “No. She’s not.”
Alana rises from her seat and crosses the room towards me. She rests her hands on my legs, but I don’t feel them and she doesn’t feel me because she sighs a little and takes them back.
“She’s living with the man who bought her at the auction. He is...” I trail off, combing my fingers through my hair. “I need to help her.”
“We will.” Alana meets my eyes. “I promise, Kayan. Help me find Finn, and when all this is over, I’ll help you rescue Rosalie.”
“You promise?”
She nods firmly. “I promise. Solemnly. With every breath. We won’t leave her there, Kayan.”
And there she is... the Alana I know. She’s still there. Her warmth, and her kindness, and the sincerity in her eyes that has always made me feel so at home and so seen.
“Thank you.” I reach out and touch her face. She leans into me even though she cannot feel me. “Thank you, Alana.”
True to my word, I leave Alana and hover above the citadel, my ethereal form shimmering in the dimming light. The city below is eerily quiet, as if holding its breath in anticipation of the storm to come. I don’t know if the Sunborne believed Alana’s lie, but the fact the storm clouds are still gathered above the castle, and only the castle, makes me think they are still in hiding.
I close my eyes and try to focus. Searching for Rosalie was different. Her essence was familiar, and I had our memories, and our feelings for one another to draw me to her.
I wanted to find her, and while I want to help Alana, there is no part of me that truly wants to see Finn.
Ever again.