Page 4 of The Harlequin
I just didn’t expect to love her back.
When I burst onto the roof, power and darkness surge through me like lightning through an onyx sky.
I know what I need to do.
It is so clear in my mind I can almost see it happening in front of me.
And there she is... Her glorious auburn hair loose over her shoulders, her body clearly naked beneath what looks like one of his robes.
She rushes towards me, almost smiling with relief, and I pull her into my arms. I motion for her to leave, to get to safety, and watch as Garratt shrugs at Eldrion. “Apologies, my lord. Business is business.”
He starts to back away but Eldrion slams the door shut with a burst of power. “No one leaves!”
Alana turns to him, eyes flashing. For a fraction of a second, jealousy blooms in my gut; they share something. Something potent. I hadn’t noticed it before but in this moment, I see it clearly.
It crackles in the air between them.
“What happened to ‘you can leave if you want to’?” she hisses, talking to him the way lovers talk when they have enraged one another.
“I changed my mind,” Eldrion growls. His eyes grow darker, and he flexes his fingers at his sides. Above him, the entire sky seems to darken too.
As Alana tugs against me, I make a feeble attempt to hold her back, then allow her to stride forward, magic flickering in her hands.
Now this... this is what I wanted to see.
Anticipation flickers deep in my core. Like this, she is magnificent. The power, the confidence, the way she strides towards him like she isn’t even the smallest bit afraid of him. Like she knows she can conquer him with the click of her fingers if she wants to.
“I need him gone,” she calls over her shoulder at me, hurling a ball of violet light towards Eldrion which he easily deflects.
“I don’t want to fight you, Alana. But you have to see what he’s doing. He’s manipulating you.” Eldrion keeps his gaze locked on Alana, but I know he wants to turn to me and show me the hate in his eyes.
He wants me dead. He sees me. But I see him too.
The only difference is, I have always seen behind his mask and he has only just learned to look through mine.
“Says you!” Alana yells, throwing another ball of light at him.
“Alana, don’t trust him!” I call out. “Remember what he is and what his people have done. Remember all the things I showed you.”
They circle each other. She flicks her wrist and, just like that, a dozen tiny icicles form in the air. She sends them hurtling towards him, but he bats them away.
“You should have done that last night,” he taunts her, “before you decided to fuck me instead.”
His words land like acid on my skin and, for a moment, I feel as if her icicles hit me instead of him.
I knew she’d fucked him in the tunnels, and I knew she’d fantasised about him. But hearing those words from his mouth, knowing she came here to kill him and he ended up inside her instead... That stings.
Alana hesitates and glances back at me. Her lips quiver, as if she’s about to tell me she’s sorry and ask for my forgiveness.
In that moment, Eldrion hurls a vortex of shadow at her. She ducks beneath it and retaliates with her own purple smoke-like shadows that creep towards Eldrion.
I have never seen anything like it, and I have no idea how she is creating them. But as her power shimmers on her skin and flickers in her eyes, my jealousy fades.
She is doing this for me.
I made her like this.
She is mine, and he will not take her – or my victory – from me.