Page 9 of Wild Wolf
I whirled at the male voice, so familiar, like the squawk of a baby eaglet I’d shared a nest with.
“Jeromeo?” I gasped, my gaze falling on him as he stood from an old iron bench by a crusty window. I half-lunged half-sprang at him like a gazelle, slamming into him and wrapping my arms around his big body, clutching him tight and waiting for his lung to pop. I loved this man and love was a fickle fairy that liked to come and go, pulling up her skirt to lay tiny shits on my head, but when it came to Jerome, she’d laid an egg instead, and inside that egg had been a rainbow.
I kissed the side of his face then finally released him, still clutching the back of his neck.
“There you are,” I sighed, my eyes scraping over his features just as Rosalie walked in. He wasn’t quite as tall as me, his eyes all brown and leafy, his jaw as square as a box balancing on a totem pole, and his curling, dark hair was tidy, pushed back but quaffed a little like a cresting wave.
“Hell, it’s good to see you,” Jerome sighed then looked to Rosalie. “You did the impossible.”
Rosalie shrugged, my girl buzzing like a humblebee. “Have you got my money?”
I knew she didn’t really give a fig about the money, but my honey pie knew how to dance the dance, and it was time to tango I supposed.
Jerome released a laugh then moved to the bench he’d been sitting on, picking up a duffle bag and tossing it to her. She caught it, laying it on a table and cracking it open just enough to glimpse the stacks of auras inside.
“You look good for a guy who’s been locked up in hell for years.” Jerome looked me up and down.
“What can I say?” I purred. “I thrive in the dark.”
My brother smiled again, and I pinched his cheek hard, shaking my head at him as I took in one of my favourite people in the world.
“Life was pretty boring without you around,” he said as I dropped my hand. “I’ve been waiting a long time to get you back.”
“We’ve got a lot of time to catch up on.” I nodded. “Do you still see much of Mrs Piggles?”
Jerome snorted. “That’s what you wanna know about first?”
“Who’s Mrs Piggles?” Rosalie asked, glancing between us curiously.
“Only the best pig in the pageant,” I said, aghast that she hadn’t heard of her.
“What pageant?” Jerome scoffed, amusement colouring his face as he looked to my girl. “She lived wild in the woods out the back of our old foster home. And no, I don’t see much of her, she’s probably dead by now.”
I gasped. “Don’t go saying things like that. She’s out there somewhere living her best piggy life.”
“Sure.” Jerome shrugged, moving to scruff my hair.
“As heart-warming as this little catch up is, I need some information,” Rosalie said, all businesslike and as hot as a candy stick that had been shoved between a Dragon’s lips – the mouth kind, not the pussy kind. She was a classy kind of hot, rough, edgy, the best tits in town and – oh shit I should have been concentrating.
“-help finding Roary Night. You had access to the camera feeds the night we escaped, so surely you saw something that could give us a clue as to where he’s been taken and what kind of security they’ve got around him now.”
Jerome scored a hand over his chin in thought, slipping his boring business hat on and I sighed at the turn this conversation had taken. Not that I didn’t want old Roars back in the boat, but it was getting as serious as cereal in here and that wasn’t my go-to vibe.
“Not that I recall,” Jerome said.
I tried to get a read on him, wondering if he knew more than he was letting on. He was good at those kinds of games, the sneaky, big money kinds. But I’d always been more suited to dancing than dicing.
“Well think harder,” Rosalie snarled. “They took him away then lied, claiming he’d escaped Darkmore with us. So wherever he is, they don’t want him being found.”
“So it’s some kind of cover up,” Jerome exhaled, a crease forming on his brow.
“Like a napkin over a small willy,” I agreed seriously. “Hidden in plain sight.”
“Well, I’ll take a look for you, but I can’t promise-” Jerome started but my lady love lunged, grabbing him by the throat and snarling in his face.
“You will promise,” she hissed. “And you will fulfil on this. Name your price. Get me a location and I will pay whatever you want for it. You’re clearly good for cash, so what is it you desire, Jerome?”
His eyes slid from her to me then back again, but I didn’t step in. It was unFaely anyway, but regardless of that, I was overjoyed that they were bonding so quickly. Look at her gripping his neck like that. My sex pot and my bro, it was the sweetest friendship in the making, blooming right before me.