Page 16 of The Spell Caster
We arrived at the Mountain Circle well after dark.
Chapter 4
Ihad never visited another witch Circle before. A long dirt road led through a dense forest to an ornate metal gate, which had been left open. Our Circles were purposely in remote locations, both to keep the non-magical humans from discovering us and to be near the desolate places where angels were most likely to infest.
I gasped as I took in the scene before me. Beyond the gate, the Mountain Circle glowed with lights, hundreds of dwellings sprawling up into the silhouettes of the rounded hills behind it. It was easily three times the size of our Circle, maybe more. With the stars twinkling in the dark sky above, it was like something from a dream.
Floodlights had been set up, illuminating a wide field beside the road, where witches were busy setting up orange cones and tents. Costi parked the car in the grass, rolling his shoulder and trying to crack his neck as he got out. “No idea how I’m gonna get that thing back to the rental place.”
“Will they be mad?” I hurried around the vehicle to catch up with him.
“They’ll charge the Council a bunch of money, and I’ll get yelled at.”
Maybe we could find a way to fix the issue later, once we knew everyone was safe.
We approached a canopy that was coldly illuminated by a series of orb-like witch lights dangling from the frame.
“Another two arrivals. They’re picking up. We’ll probably see the influx soon,” the witch sitting behind the table underneath the canopy said into a two-way radio. “Your names?” He looked at us expectantly.
“Layla Rosen. Constantine Blackthorn,” Costi said.
The Mountain Circle witch looked at Costi’s uniform. “Guardians stay in the barracks. Turn left and follow the signs.” He shuffled through a stack of papers with a frustrated sigh. “Rosen, was it? You’re with your coven in housing block F. Go straight, and look for the one labeled F.”
“I… um…”
“Problem?” the witch growled at Costi and me when I didn’t move.
“Did you say coven? I’m not in a coven.”
He squinted at his papers. “Layla Rosen, Spell Caster, Mountain Thunder Coven.” He shrugged angrily. “I don’t handle the housing assignments. Just go there and figure it out later. Be happy you’re not in the tents.”
“What’s that all about?” I whispered as we moved toward the path.
Costi scowled, the cut on his face making him look menacing in the orange glow of lamplight. “Stressed out, probably.”
We stopped where the path split. I looked up at him. We’d been together ever since the attack, and now I wished I could keep him with me. I didn’t want to be by myself in this new place, especially after that lackluster welcome. “I guess… I’ll see you later.”
Costi hesitated, and we stood awkwardly for a moment. He looked as lost as I felt. I swayed with the overwhelming urge to hug him, curling my hands against my thighs. It probably wasn’t a good idea.
“Yeah. I’ll find you soon,” he said, then took the left path.
Adrift in the strange Circle, I moved along the lighted walkway that seemed to be a central path. Witches—all strangers—passed, not paying me any attention. The general mood seemed tense, everyone on edge after the attack.
I found housing block F, a square built around a courtyard with a dozen attached apartments. I swiveled my head helplessly. The coordinator at the gate hadn’t told me which apartment I was in.
The sound of a door opening made me turn my head. A stoutly built witch a little older than me with a shaved head exited one of the apartments, hurrying down the steps.
“Excuse me,” I said to catch their attention.
They stopped and looked at me. “Oh, hey. Are you one of the Northern Sea witches?”
“Yes. Do you know where the Mountain Thunder Coven stays?”
The witch looked horrified. “Fate bend me over, what for?”
“I’m supposed to stay with them. Is… is something wrong?”