Page 49 of The Spell Caster
I felt my cheeks heat. “What… has she been saying about me?”
“She thinks you’re a bad influence on him.”
I curled my raised hand into a frustrated claw. “She’s really starting to bother me. I can’t influence Costi!”
“I think you do,” Ash said. “In a good way,” they hurried to amend as they caught my furious look.
I tilted my head at them and crossed my arms. “He got attacked by angels because of me, and now he’s holed up in my apartment against medical advice.”
“His existence is against medical advice,” they deadpanned. “Look, I’ve known him four years. We train together every day. He’s chaotic.”
I looked down. “Maybe.”
Ash snorted. “You know I’m right. Holly thinks he needs someone to fix him, to remind him to keep himself in check. But it doesn’t work that way. What he really needs is someone who accepts him as is, so he can focus all that wildness on something more… productive.” They looked at me significantly.
My heart flipped uselessly in my chest, considering the possibility. “You seem pretty wise,” I said.
Ash arched their eyebrow. “I certainly like people to think so.”
I chuckled. “I’m glad we got to chat. I can see why Costi hangs out with you.”
Heading back to my apartment, I felt lighter than I had in a while.
Costi was still sleeping in the same sideways orientation when I returned, one arm thrown over his bare chest. Rough stubble had started growing in on his bruised jaw.
Concerned, I laid my hand on his forehead to check for fever. He blinked awake, heavy lashes framing those gorgeous, stormy gray eyes.
“Hey,” I said softly. “How are you feeling?”
“Been better.” He dug into a pocket with a grimace and pulled out a small white envelope, dumping pills into his mouth and chewing them like candy.
“Which one was that?” I asked, holding up the small bag I’d brought. “The infirmary gave me a list.”
Costi gave a half smile.
“Well someone has to look out for you,” I groused, flinging a hand at his collection of bandages. “You’re determined to get injured.”
His smile grew into a crooked grin. “Line of duty, baby. I’m saving the world.”
I laughed, and Costi gave me an enthralled look that made me self-conscious. I tucked my hair behind my ear and glanced back at him. “I was worried about you,” I admitted.
He looked away, his smile fading. “I know. Fate, I know. Sorry. I’m not… trying to cause problems.”
“I know. So… what’s going on? Why did you come here?”
His throat worked in a swallow. He was quiet for a moment before he said, “Honestly? I’m terrified. Something is happening, and we’re not even a little bit ready.” He raised his eyes to me. “You don’t have a way to defend yourself, and everyone’s telling me to leave you alone.”
“I’ve been scared too. I don’t want you to leave me alone.”
“I’m not going to,” he ground out.
I blinked. “Good.”
“Good,” he agreed. He sat up gingerly, biting back a groan, and bent over his leg to inspect it.
“I, um… brought your clothes and stuff.” I held up the bundle. “If you want a shower.”