Page 110 of Psycho Shifters
Cobra still looked pissed, but he hobbled out of his bed and leaned against the wall for support.
Both men stared at me. Cobra’s eyes wrinkled slightly with concern.
“P-P-Please stand r-r-right h-here.” I pointed at a random spot on the far wall.
Both Ascher and Cobra looked at me distrustfully, but I filled my eyes with tears and gave a pathetic little sniffle.
They both went to the far wall and leaned against it.
With all my remaining strength, I threw myself into the bathroom, slammed the door, and locked it behind me.
“What do you need from us, Princess?” Ascher called out, his voice thick with worry.
“T-T-To leave m-m-me the fuck a-alone!” I screamed, and they shouted expletives back at me.
Actually, Ascher swore up a blue streak and shouted. Cobra calmly launched into a tirade about my pathetic character and how I was probably a spy.
Ripping off Jax’s oversize clothes, I fell over a couple of times as I tried to get my frozen limbs to work.
With my eyes shutting from tiredness, I barely manage to dump the entire bag of healing salts into the tub. Unfortunately, I also dropped the bag itself into the tub, but I had bigger problems.
Stumbling forward, I once again face-planted, naked, into a hot bath.
Except this time, I turned over and screamed in agony.
The warm water burned impossibly, and I reckoned my skin was melting off the bone. I fucking hated the cold.
I reminded myself why I was putting myself through this shit. Lucinda was still safe and at school. I needed to get her away from Dick.
In the meantime, I couldn’t get myself killed. I had to obey the oligarchy.
Outside, Ascher bellowed as I screamed, and slammed against the door. Cobra laughed like a psychopath.
“Congrats, little girl. If it burns, that means you’ll live.” Cobra chuckled like my agony was the funniest thing in the world.
I fucking hated it here.
Lying back in the boiling tub, I squinted my eyes shut with pain and fantasized about slowly dismembering a certain pale alpha.
There was a small zing on my back as the little shadow snake laughed in agreement. It didn’t care about how violent my thoughts were; it always got happy when I thought about Cobra.
Little snake was as fucked up as he was.
Sinking deeper into the boiling tub, I closed my eyes and prayed I would wake up in a different realm. I prayed that everything about the shifter realm was just a bad dream.
Spoiler—it wasn’t.
A few seconds later…
I sprinted as fast as I could through the forest. Inhaling icy air, I exhaled pure rage and…pain.
The forest flashed around me in a blur as I ran away from Sadie and toward John.
A goddamn coward.