Page 112 of Psycho Shifters
He would be dragged.
John was passed out cold from my fist, so he wasn’t aware of the abuse, but the vindictive side of me still wanted to hurt him. I felt his pulse and could hear his soft breath.
He wasn’t dead, yet. He was a beta, so he would heal and wake up from the trauma.
Instead, I made sure to sprint as fast as possible and “accidentally” swung my arm back and forth with all my strength.
John’s body flopped behind me, and his head slammed into tree trunks and large rocks.
Each crack as John’s limb or face slammed into a tree filled me with a kernel of satisfaction. My heart still ached something fierce, but it was a good start.
No one fucking touched my little alpha and went unpunished.
After I’d been training and living with her for the past weeks, she had needled her way into my heart. Her sarcastic energy and ferociousness were a nice change from Cobra’s and Ascher’s violence. Also, it was hilarious watching her try to run.
The little alpha was funny, but tough as nails. I enjoyed being around her. Now I would never leave her side.
When the training compound came back into view, I didn’t go to the locker room like usual.
Instead, I turned and headed to a large steel door on the far side of the massive center. It was hidden behind an alcove, and a person would only find it if they knew to look for it.
After dragging John through the door, I “accidentally” threw his body down the stairs as hard as I possibly could.
Also, I stomped down the stairs and “accidentally” stepped on his hands and limbs a couple of times.
Finally, after a long string of “accidents” that left John a bloody mess, I hooked both his arms to steel cuffs drilled into the concrete walls.
Blue electricity ran along the cuffs.
The room was a fortified interrogation room, otherwise known as a torture room. Each portal and training compound had one for prisoners and other unsavory characters in the never-ending war.
I had never had to use the room before, but now I was grateful that someone had the foresight to install one.
Plus, the steel cuffs had a fae enchantment. They forced the prisoner to speak truthfully and were impossible to open without a key or unless the prisoner died. After death, the cuffs were enchanted to open.
They’d never given us a key.
Satisfied that John couldn’t hurt Sadie anymore, I hurried through the compound to try to find the little alpha. Every second away from her felt like an eternity.
Now that I knew the truth about her past, I would not be letting anyone abuse her again. In any way. It was what I wanted for my sisters, and it was what I would give her.
Twice she had proven her loyalty and courage in battle. It was time for me to repay her.
I ran through the training compound and was alarmed to find that Sadie wasn’t in the ward or at the dining hall. Had something happened to her while I was away? Had I failed her again?
Throwing open our bedroom door with all my might, I practically roared at Cobra and Ascher. “Where is she?” I half yelled and half growled at the two men.
Ascher and Cobra were both lying on their own beds and barely looked up when I entered.
“Princess is in the bathroom. She’s taking forever.” Ascher lazily tapped away at his phone.
“Pathetic girl.” Cobra rolled his eyes.
Relief flooded through me that she was safe in the room.
No one had taken her.
At the same time, my hands tensed into fists, and I had to physically stop myself from walking over and burying my knuckles in both their thick skulls. How could they be so blind?