Page 12 of Psycho Shifters
He and the pale man were made of muscles and tall as shit.
Both were more than a foot taller than me and three times as wide.
I was about five and a half feet tall and built scrawny. In contrast, they were built like they ate fifteen meals a day and lifted rocks for fun.
It was kind of embarrassing for them. They looked like they tried way too hard and had exercise addictions.
Not cute.
Still, I wasn’t fighting them.
The most exercise I usually got was lifting beer glasses for patrons and fighting against Dick.
Just last week, I had dropped a tray of beer glasses because my bicep had cramped mid-carry.
Physical prowess was not one of my strengths.
I eyed the machine guns and the men in front of me. My best chance was against the guns.
All I had to do was sprint toward the brick wall, scale it, fight off the guards, jump down the other side, and run to the tree line.
I sighed heavily and wondered who I had pissed off in my past life, because this one was not going well.
“Relax, Ascher, no need to frighten her.” A third man stepped forward from the shadowed wall.
Apparently, the horned man was named Ascher.
Also, apparently, this new man had eaten his twin in the womb. There was no other possible way someone could be so massive.
I stepped back and almost peed myself with fright when he came fully into the light.
I was 100 percent screwed.
The third beast managed to make the other two men look average.
A fantastical feat, because until now, they had been the strongest and tallest men I had ever seen. Much bigger than even Dick.
My mind short-circuited, and I took another step back.
The man had dark skin. Long braids hung to his biceps, and hundreds of chains and gold trinkets dangled from them.
The chains twinkled in the icy wind and blew around his waist.
He also had bars of gold through his ears, and a gold nose ring decorated his wide nose.
As far as I knew, shifters didn’t wear piercings, because the extreme temperatures would weld them to our skin.
This absolute mammoth of a man looked fine.
I was kind of jealous; the piercings were pretty.
High cheekbones, plush lips, and stunning gray eyes completed the handsome picture.
His features weren’t as harsh as the other men’s, and it should have softened him.
It didn’t.
I had never seen someone so large. It seemed impossible that someone could be so large.