Page 120 of Psycho Shifters
When Mika said he was done, I lifted my head to find a large pile of drool on the pillow.
As I climbed off the table, the handsome blonde-haired beta handed me a business card. “If you ever have any massage needs, please call to schedule an appointment.”
“Will do.” A phone might just be useful after all.
I turned to walk out the door, but a hand on my arm stopped me. Lethargy coursed through me, so I didn’t bother to pull away or knee him in the balls.
Turned out inner peace was the best deterrent of violence. Maybe that was why I was homicidal all the time?
“I really like the red streaks. They match your pretty eyes.”
Instead of shaking my hand like every man in the damn realm, Mika did something completely shocking.
He leaned down and kissed my cheek.
Like a mature, competent alpha female, I turned and ran out the door.
I didn’t say anything, just hightailed my ass out of the room and away from the handsome beta.
I fingered the spot on my cheek where he’d kissed me as I sprinted down the hall.
My first kiss.
On a high of happiness, I tumbled into the alpha room.
“What the fuck did you do with your hair?” Ascher launched off his bed angrily.
“It’s a little much.” Cobra made a disgusted face as he looked up at me, but he didn’t pause doing push-ups. He clapped behind his back after each rep.
“You cannot wear it like that!” Ascher yelled in my face, and I kneed him in the balls.
He fell to the ground with a crash, and I quickly jumped under my covers. The alpha was all bluster; he never retaliated.
My little, fluffy white kitty was still lying on my pillow where I had left him. Cuddling him to my chest, I turned my back to the room. Snow fell heavily outside my dark window.
Cobra grunted as he worked out, and Ascher muttered expletives under his breath.
I fantasized about maiming them both. Slowly. With one of Ascher’s horns.
My inner peace was gone.
A few days later…
I pulled another one of John’s toenails off.
Unfortunately, the enchanted fae handcuffs took all the fun out of torturing someone. They forced them to tell the truth.
Fortunately for me, John was mumbling and wouldn’t wake up. Everyone knew pain was the best wake-up call.
He had awoken a short time ago, but his brain was so concussed from Jax’s fist that his words had been incoherent.
His body had passed back out to heal. I wasn’t worried. I had seen betas heal from much worse injuries.
It just took time and enough of it had passed that I was pretty sure he should be coming back to the living soon.