Page 131 of Psycho Shifters
Asher stared at for the longest moment, his amber eyes lit with fire.
I swallowed, as his hands slowly moved towards the bulge in his pants.
At the same time, Cobra licked my pussy and ever so slowly dragged his fingers out of my ass. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips.
Then, in a blur of motion, Ascher went crazy.
He lunged at Cobra, and I scrambled to the side.
My alphas really needed to try the fizzy drink. They just were not relaxed enough for the party atmosphere. It was kind of a buzzkill.
Stumbling on freshly fucked legs, I pulled down my dress, patted my hair, and pranced out of the closet. Warmth tingled through me, and the world fizzed.
Yep, that really had just happened.
I was a bad bitch.
Unfortunately, Ascher was not as excited as I was about me getting eaten out for the first time.
He pummeled Cobra with his fists. The crazy bastard just laughed and punched him back.
I shook my head because alpha men were nuts. Not alpha women though. Nope, they were cool-as-a-cucumber, badass bitches who got head in closets at parties like a boss.
The magic that had just occurred to my pussy had changed my life. Not even joking.
I ran along the outskirts of the party because I did not want to relive the groping scenario. When I went to the entrance, I scanned the room for Jax’s head. He wasn’t in there.
Why would Ascher leave him alone? With a sharp whoosh, the butterflies in my gut sizzled and died.
Worry cramped my stomach, and my instincts told me to hurry. I sprinted down the long red carpet and burst out into the wintery cold.
The chilly air slapped the remaining fizziness out of my brain.
As I scanned the dark, abandoned cobblestone street, there was nothing to see but fresh powder snow.
“Jax?” I called out into the dark.
I hurried around the side of the building and gasped in horror. Jax was slumped face-first in the snow.
Just lying there.
Dropping to my knees, I listened to his breathing. He was still alive. However, there was a bloody mark on his neck.
He had been stabbed with some type of needle.
“What the fuck?” I shouted as I looked down the snowy street. “Who are you? Reveal yourself, coward!”
A little white fluff ball pranced toward me through the snow.
My fluff ball that I had left at home. In my room. Warm. Cuddly. In my room, my brain repeated.
Not a town away in the middle of bum-fuck who knew where.
I rubbed my eyes and slapped myself in the face. Was I way drunker than I realized?
“Stay back!” I yelled at the little kitten that kept prancing toward us. My kitten or not, I wasn’t about to let anything hurt Jax.