Page 71 of Psycho Shifters
I’d seen the party broadcasted on the television before, but I hadn’t thought anything about it. No one had told me I had to attend.
The announcer grimaced, like I was a failure of a woman for not having a date and a dress picked out for a party I hadn’t even known about.
She leaned more into my personal space, desperate to salvage the interview. Since I stood on the dumb fucking box, we were eye to eye.
“So, what is your alpha form? Rumors have been spreading all over the realm, and the speculation is endless. Because of your small size, the most popular rumor is that you are a small predator. Is that true?”
“Yes,” I answered quickly, eager to have the spotlight turned off me. “Well, actual—actually—” I was cut off when she whirled her head around and took the mic away.
Great, now the entire realm thought I was a small beast when I was a massive saber-toothed tiger.
“Ascher, what was it like being saved by Sadie?” The reporter moved on and interviewed the other men. The only humorous part was when she tried to talk to Cobra, and he said nothing. He really had issues talking with women, and I wondered why I was different.
Still, the announcer’s confusion when he wouldn’t answer her wasn’t funny enough to stop me from spiraling. I slumped forward and focused on breathing through a panic attack.
Bright lights were pointed at us, and the glowing purple crystal looked so inconspicuous on its stand.
Bile filled my mouth as I stared at it. Dick was staring at me right now. Through it. For a second, I almost blew chunks on the realm television.
I pinched the skin of my hand to ground myself.
My thoughts spiraled as I thought about Dick watching me right now. He can’t hurt you, I reminded myself desperately.
Absorbed by my panic, I barely noticed when the interview ended.
The gorgeous announcer drooled over all three of the other alphas, and the lights were turned off. Someone came to collect the stone and put it in a shiny metal box.
Barely aware of my surroundings, I stumbled to the side of the room and leaned against the wall.
People milled around the room while I drifted off untethered.
From what seemed like far away, the announcer ran her long fingers over Ascher’s and Cobra’s chests. At the same time, she made googly-eyes up at Jax and rubbed against his large muscles.
Even as I panicked, my stomach clenched uncomfortably. I wanted to break her hands.
“Hey, do you dye your hair?” A dark-haired stylist who had sprayed gloss on my hair walked up to me.
I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts. He was tall and wide and built more like a warrior than a hair stylist. Objectively, he was handsome.
“No, it’s always been white since I was a little girl.” I fingered the long, silky locks that I never really thought about.
“Your white hair, with your red eyes and high cheekbones, is stunning.” He blushed as he smiled down at me.
“Thanks,” I mumbled awkwardly, and dragged my hands over my face.
“My name’s Cam. I know you’re an alpha and I’m a null, but we’ll probably be seeing each other around a bunch with the whole media thing, so it would be good to get acquainted.” He held out his hand, and I gave him a shake back. I noted that his hands weren’t calloused, like Aran’s or mine. They were smooth.
He had lived a pampered life. Lucky bastard.
Also, something about me really must have been screaming at men, “Shake my hand.” I couldn’t decide if I was flattered or worried.
I was so used to men groping me at the tavern that it was weird they wanted to shake my hand. What did it mean?
Cam smiled at me expectantly.
“Cool.” I pointed a finger gun at his chest and pretended to shoot him. It was official: I had lost my mind.
Abruptly, a cold frost bit my nose.