Page 81 of Psycho Shifters
“How do you expect to lead anyone in battle?” another blonde asked beside her. Great, the girl was identical. I was seeing double.
“Um, because I’m a massive saber-toothed tiger?” My stomach cramped with impossible pain. Fuck, I had pushed my body too far, and now my organs were rebelling.
“The other alphas all think you’re dead weight.”
“Probably am.” I laid down on the mat to die, on my back with my arms sprawled. The realm spun beneath me.
“Sara and Sora, I see you’re still desperate for alpha attention,” Aran said from somewhere above me.
My eyes were closed because I was trying not to die from pain, so I couldn’t see where he was. Relief spread through me at his words. There were two of them. I hadn’t completely lost my mind.
“Why did you wear a sweatshirt?” Jax asked. I squinted my eyes open and saw his large body kneeling next to me.
“I was cold.” Sweat poured down my face.
Jax made a “you’re full of shit” face, and I pretended to pass out to throw him off my trail.
Just kidding, I wasn’t pretending. I was five seconds away from passing out. There was no way my organs could hurt this badly and still function.
“She’s dumb,” Cobra said to Jax, giving his classic sneer of disgust.
“What were you saying to her?” Ascher asked the twins.
“We were just making sure she was all right,” one of them said.
What a sweet woman—not.
“She’ll be fine,” Ascher said dismissively. I opened my eyes to find him wrapping his arms around the twins and walking away.
Jax pronounced that I would live and walked away with Cobra to shower.
“Why didn’t you call out the twins for talking shit about you?” Aran asked curiously. He helped me to my feet and, like a true friend, didn’t comment on the vomit that dribbled out of my mouth.
“I have bigger problems,” I said honestly as I struggled to remember how to walk.
“You really do.”
After my soul left my body, aka after the morning run, instead of going to lunch, I limped through the compound trying to find Zed.
I talked to a couple of servants and found Zed outside in the stable, tending to the horses.
When I wandered into the wooden barn, Zed was bent over shoveling horse poop.
A fire pit burned in the center of the structure and kept the horses from freezing in the negative temperatures outside.
“Hey Zed,” I called out, and the null shifter jumped in surprise.
“Sadie, what are you doing here?” He tilted his head down like he was embarrassed to be caught doing menial labor.
Anger coursed through me. I didn’t think any less of him for doing that type of work, but others would. The shifter realm was cruel that way.
“I have some personal affairs I need to handle and was wondering if you could help me?” I let my sincerity bleed through.
He paused for a moment, then nodded.