Page 76 of Psycho Beasts
Of course she was abandoning me, just like every fucking woman I’d ever known. Fucking evil, vile creatures.
My gut instincts about her had been right.
The prettiest predators were the most poisonous.
“Well, then fuck off.” I hissed, heat signatures bursting before me as my eyes flickered to snake eyes.
Ascher’s voice was cruel. “Yeah, we didn’t want you anyway.”
“As you said. Go find someone you can dominate.” Xerxes’s British accent was colder than his blades.
My eyes flickered back, and I noted dispassionately that her plush lower lip trembled.
Sadie’s almond-shaped ruby eyes were enormous as she stared at Jax and ignored the rest of us.
She pleaded to him, “We can still be friends.”
A bolt of lightning shot through the bond.
All of us were on the same page. If she wanted to reject us, that was fine because we didn’t need her.
Jax snarled, “No, we can’t.”
He turned away from her.
Sadie gasped and bowed her head like she was physically struck, and for a long second, a tiny spark of hope shot through the bond.
She was going to realize the error of her ways.
My kitten will fight for me.
She’ll choose me.
When Sadie straightened, ruby eyes glowed like the red sun of the shifter realm. Cold and bright, offering no warmth and no hope.
Just cruelty.
“Fine, I don’t need a bunch of overbearing men in my life. I never asked for any of this, and I’m sure as shit not going to beg for your friendship. I’ve been through too much to ever let a man tear me down again.” Sadie’s cranberry scent spiked like it was on fire.
Another person abandoned me.
She doesn’t want me.
I’m not good enough for her.
Sadie whirled and marched down the hall.
I clenched my hands and reminded myself that she was just another female snake. It wasn’t worth my time to hunt her down the hall.
No matter how badly I wanted to chase after her and claim her, it was useless.
She wasn’t worth my time.
“Fuck you!” Ascher bellowed after her, his stoic facade cracking completely as his lips pulled back in a sneer.
Sadie flipped both her middle fingers in the air but kept walking.
She didn’t look back.