Page 84 of Psycho Beasts
I stared Ascher down until a light pink stained the tops of his cheekbones, and his scowl fell. Like he was thinking about our history and knew he’d just fucked up.
Before I could say anything, Ascher pulled the door open and guided me through with a light touch on my lower back. His cheekbones were still pink, and he avoided eye contact.
I let him lead me outside.
The day was overcast, everything shadowed in gray, and a dreary drizzle soaked my skin and saturated the mansion’s perfectly manicured green lawn.
Xerxes twirled his blades in his hands and pushed past me as he stalked down his walkway.
The intoxicating scent trailed behind him like a cloud of ambrosia.
Jax didn’t speak.
“Opening doors for her now, are we?” Cobra sneered from somewhere behind us.
I didn’t bother to respond, and Ascher kept his hand on my lower back.
On the street, a beta in a suit was leaning against a red supercar, waiting for us.
Tall skyscrapers rose in the distance, the tops still hidden in the clouds. I wasn’t sure the realm even had a sun.
When I got to the car, Ascher opened the door, and I squeezed myself into the back row so I wouldn’t have to sit near the men.
The car jumped forward, and the force of the acceleration pinned me to my seat.
My hair whipped around my face, even though none of the windows were open.
Outside the window, the world passed by in a blur of dreary colors.
When we finally came to a stop, the driver simply said, “The don is waiting for you inside.”
The pit in my stomach returned.
Ascher held open the door for me, and I stumbled trying to climb out.
Jax’s warm hand wrapped around my bicep. “Be careful.” He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something else, but Cobra sneered and grabbed his arm.
He tugged him forward. “Come on, don’t waste energy on her. She’s made her decision.”
I made a point of walking forward and elbowing past Cobra. “You’re being childish.”
He elbowed me back in the arm. Hard.
I slammed my foot into his shin.
Cobra whipped his gorgeous face around and hissed at me like a wild animal.
I stuck my tongue out at him.
His emerald eyes flashed with fire, pure fury rolled off him, and his jewels writhed across his flesh.
My lips curled into a smirk. If he wanted to act like a little bitch, then I’d treat him like one. No way was I just going to roll over and let him walk all over me because he didn’t get his way.
He stepped toward me threateningly.
I flipped him off.
Cobra hissed.