Page 92 of Psycho Beasts
Cobra was talking to her.
A woman.
My heart dropped in my chest.
Great. Now he’d gotten over his past trauma and toxic masculinity and decided to talk to the female sex.
For the first time, and last time, I missed the patriarchy.
Cobra smiled at a female alpha who was literally one of the prettiest people I’d ever seen and looked nothing like me.
My shadow snake sensed my distress and gave a zip of comfort across my skin, sending me images of cuddling and happiness.
Melancholy filled me at the reminder of whose the snake had once been, but I focused on sending it loving images back.
At least I still had a shadow snake, even if that was all I got from Cobra.
“I’m Clarissa. The pleasure is all mine. I’ve never met someone with jewels in their skin.” She shook his hand coyly and fluttered her long sooty eyelashes.
Cobra said smoothly, “You have a lovely name.”
The razor blade in my gut became a machete.
As they clasped their hands together, overly long if you ask me, Cobra had the audacity to look over his shoulder and smirk at me.
Fuck him. If he wanted to make love with another woman’s hand, that was his prerogative.
He’d made it clear I was nothing to him.
I purposefully lifted my fingers to my face and gave the snake a little kiss. “Such a good little snake,” I praised, and it shivered with happiness.
I sent it more visions of love and kisses, and it barrel-rolled with glee across my gold skin.
Cobra’s face fell, and an unnamed emotion flashed across his face. He abruptly released Clarissa’s hand, stumbling back like she’d stung him.
Clarissa didn’t notice anything and gave her amorous attention to both Jax and Xerxes.
She cooed over Xerxes’s hair and marveled at Jax’s size until I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon.
Her brother, James, followed behind her and shook everyone’s hand but mine.
After fawning over Xerxes for an unnecessarily long time, Clarissa leaned forward into his personal space and whispered something about her treating an omega right.
Her midnight hair contrasted with his shiny blond locks, and the scent of cinnamon mixed with her lemony alpha one.
The scents weren’t awful together.
Fucking hell, kill me.
Abruptly, when her nose was almost touching his throat, Xerxes rubbed at his chest at the same time as Jax, Ascher, and Xerxes.
My gut dropped.
Xerxes’s bond was acting up because he was attracted to beautiful fucking Clarissa.
A low alpha sound crept up my throat, and I swallowed down an embarrassing growl.
He is not your omega.