Page 111 of Psycho Gods
I sobbed pathetically.
Dick wrenched and twisted it further.
“P-P-P-Please,” I blubbered pathetically as spots danced in my vision. A horrible sense of helplessness consumed me.
Metal fell to the floor, and I followed its trajectory. He released me, and I smashed face forward, unable to stop myself in time.
Blood splattered across my shattered nose as I face-planted onto the chilled concrete floor.
Long moments passed.
I wheezed before my jailer.
“Stand up,” Dick ordered, voice tight with annoyance like he found me deplorable.
It took a few fumbling tries, but finally I pulled myself off the ground using the doorknob, back pressed against it as I put as much space between us as I could.
Watery hiccups racked my slight frame.
“Stop acting so pathetic,” he spat with disgust as he glared at me like I’d disappointed him.
I covered my mouth, but the hiccups didn’t stop.
Copper, snot, and tears pooled across my hands as I trembled. A pitiful mess.
How easy it was to break me.
Shame cornered me. The ability to suffer is a small matter—weak women and even slaves can achieve mastery in that. Nietzsche’s sexist observation was so much crueler because it applied so perfectly to me.
How easily I suffered.
It made me feel miniscule.
I was nothing like Aran.
The disgust that choked me as my knee shook and I gagged on blood was almost worse than the pain in the first place. I hated the sight of blood because it made me woozy.
Another weakness.
Spots slowly receded from my vision, and a noise of shock escaped me as I stared down at the innocuous gold cuff sitting on the floor between us.
I knew from experience that a similar cuff was hidden by enchantments on his own wrist.
“W-W-Why?” I asked shakily as I stared at the invisible metal still heavy on my other wrist.
The sense of foreboding increased.
I wasn’t fool enough to believe it was an act of goodwill.
After I’d used my voice and frozen the worthless shifter who’d kidnapped us back in the beast realm, Dick had increased the number of cuffs from one to two.
He’d neutered me completely.
Sun god forbid I defend myself from attack.
His expression was bored as he pocketed the removed cuff and walked toward my cowering form, then his face twisted with cruelty. “Let me make this very clear, little girl.”