Page 151 of Psycho Gods
This was torment. Why in the realms would I agree to sit in a fucking tiny space with my fated soulmate? A space where people usually got naked.
I was an idiot.
Soapy skin and moans of pleasure filled my imagination. I tipped my head back, squeezed my eyes shut, and prayed to the sun god for self-control.
Also, why had I thought it was a good idea to approach her when my mates were gone?
I should have forced Orion to stay and helped Corvus—sun god knew it had been fucking rewarding last time I’d gone—but Orion hadn’t wanted to miss out on the fun and I’d agreed to be the one to stay back.
My control was waning.
“So.” She thudded her head against the shower wall. “What should we discuss?”
I barely stopped myself from snapping at her not to hurt herself.
Only I got to do that, not her.
She didn’t know how to make the pain enjoyable. She needed a teacher; she needed me.
I shrugged as I tried to think of what a nice guy would want to talk about.
After a long pause, I finally settled on, “How are you feeling?”
Arabella burst out in laughter.
Annoyingly long minutes passed where she cackled to herself like a maniac. Finally, she gasped and said, “I’ve been better. How about you?”
She laughed harder, clearly mocking my attempts at pleasantries.
She was begging to be punished.
I harrumphed and said, “I was trying to be nice. You don’t need to be fucking rude about it.” I grimaced as I realized what I was doing.
Forcing my muscles to relax, I tried to look apologetic and nonthreatening.
“What is wrong with your face?” she asked. “Your expression is weird.”
I clenched my jaw as water poured over me, overstimulating my arousal-heightened nerves.
That was it.
I was done with the games.
“Really, can’t you fucking see I’m trying to be a nice guy for you?” I snapped as I glared at her. “Since that’s all you seem to want in a man, I’d think you’d be a little more appreciative of my efforts—sun god, could you be any more difficult?”
Arabella scoffed, then replied with venom, “I never told you to be a nice guy. News flash, I already know you’re not nice, so don’t pretend to be something you’re not. It’s pathetic and frankly, creepy.”
I ground my teeth together. “You’re the pathetic one who has us sitting here fully clothed in the shower like idiots.”
“Well, you’re the pathetic one who listened to me.”
“Well, you’re the pathetic one for making me so obsessed with you.”
“That doesn’t even make sense.”
“Why are you so difficult?” I shook my head in exasperation. “Why do you have to make everything so fucking hard? Can’t you just be all weak and simpering or whatever a woman is supposed to be like?”
“You sexist piece of shit,” she said through gritted teeth. “Why can’t you be all gallant and chivalrous like a man is supposed to be?”