Page 235 of Psycho Gods
I drawled, “Oh yes, me being married against my will while fighting against monsters—by sentient jewelry, that is apparently killing the men I’m tied to because I’m probably missing my soul—is hard for you.”
I slapped her on the back of the head.
She sniffled. “Are you being sarcastic?”
“Not at all,” I said.
She did loud breathing exercises, then said, “I can’t have this conversation until you promise you’ll still have a ceremony and I get to be your maid of honor.”
Three point one, four, one, five, nine, two, six, five, three, five, eight, nine. The numbers of pi helped give me some perspective.
“Fine,” I agreed. “I’ll have a wedding just for you.”
Sadie squealed and chucked herself at me. I fought against her hug, but she must have channeled her shifter strength, because she pinned me to the icy floor.
“You’re going to make the most beautiful bride,” she whispered into my ear. “Also, I want to wear a white bridesmaid’s dress.”
“Get off me.”
She chuckled and pulled away.
“Can we please now talk about this seriously?” I asked. “I’m kind of panicking.”
“I understand.” Sadie sniffled. “I was really freaking out about your wedding. It really took a toll on me.”
“I’m glad you recovered,” I said sarcastically.
“Me too.” She patted my head. “And you’re very brave for talking about your jewelry issue. I’m proud of you.”
“The twins have been sick lately,” I whispered.
Guilt twisted in my stomach because I should have told them the extent of my problems. I never should have pretended I was a normal woman who could do something as mundane as have husbands.
Mother’s cruel smile flashed in my mind.
“Soul bonds go both ways,” I said. “You have connections to your mates’ souls, and you can feel their emotions. Good and bad. That’s what you have with your mates, right?”
“Yeah,” she said.
Smoke whistled through my lips. “I don’t feel anything from the twins, and all they feel is my pain. Every time I’m aroused, they feel pain in their backs, just like I do. The jewels didn’t work properly because they’re attuned to souls—and I don’t have one.”
“That seems like a logical leap.”
“It’s not.” My voice cracked. “I’m empty, so there’s no soul to join. It connected them to the only thing I’ve ever had.”
“Which is?” Sadie asked with confusion.
Chapter 43
Tragicomedy (noun): a drama or situation blending tragic and comic elements.
DAY 30, HOUR 14