Page 265 of Psycho Gods
I pulled out of the connection.
The strategy room was too bright, and it was eerily quiet compared to the screams of the infected and clangs of enchanted swords.
I was slumped over the table.
Ears ringing with faraway battle sounds.
Eyes wide and unseeing.
I was paralyzed, unable to function.
I slammed my palm against the table, then pinched my hand with all my strength—the pain helped me focus.
As I looked around, my thoughts went a million miles a minute as I went through possibilities and plans.
I knew their location, which meant I could get help for them.
The problem was all the soldiers were in battle halfway across the realm.
I frantically grabbed my crutches and moved across the room, almost falling on my face a few times in my haste. Yanking open the RJE drawer, I desperately checked the remaining devices.
There were about a dozen, all with different coordinates. They were programmed for Elite Academy, the third battle location, the second battle location, and the first battle location.
I searched desperately, but those were the only locations.
Through gritted teeth, I screamed.
The one I needed was missing—there was no RJE device for the current battle, they’d taken them all. I had no way to alert any soldiers.
Not bothering with crutches, I hopped the few feet over to the shelves of binders and started tearing them off the shelves.
I couldn’t find where they’d put the coordinates.
Curse the sun god. Curse the constant incompetence in the realms. Could nothing go right today?
I threw a binder across the room with frustration, then followed its trajectory with my body back toward the open drawer.
I grabbed one of the RJE devices labeled “Elite Academy” and activated it.
Reality shifted.
I fell forward as the shelf I was leaning against disappeared beneath me. My hands slapped against black marble. Lightning streaked down the walls, and my hair levitated from the electricity.
“Lothaire?” I screamed down the empty marble hall. Crystal chandeliers hung unlit, and maroon light streamed through stained-glass windows.
Crawling forward on my hands and knees, I screamed, “Is anyone here?”
Lighting slammed against the floor.
Marble burned hotter beneath my hands.
I rolled onto my back and bellowed with everything I had, “Lothaire?” Chest heaving, I lay still and waited.
Please, sun god. Please let him be here. Let him hear me.
Precious seconds turned into minutes.