Page 308 of Psycho Gods
Scorpius laughed. “Okay, human.”
John crossed his arms over his chest. “We’ve already been over this. I’m the Prince of Darkness from the Olympus realm—I’m only half-human.”
Malum smirked. “Okay, prince, let a king handle the luggage.”
“Are you guys serious right now?” I asked. Orion and Luka rubbed at their temples like they were staving off headaches.
“What?” Malum asked innocently.
John frowned at me. “You know I’m strong enough to carry our bags, right?” He flexed. “Tell him I’m strong enough.”
“I refuse to answer that.” I yawned and swayed on my feet.
Scorpius lunged and caught me. Long fingers gripped me harshly like he was terrified of letting me go. “Let’s get her home,” he said.
I tried to push him off me. “I should say goodbye to Sadie and Jinx.”
He didn’t budge.
Malum looked at me with exasperation. “You already spent three hours with them this morning. If I remember correctly, there was hugging, wailing, and crying.” He shook his head. “You can visit each other whenever you want. You both have RJE devices.”
I frowned. “Well, maybe I want to say goodbye a second time. Did you think of that?”
Scarlet flames danced across his shaved head.
“That’s our queue,” Vegar said. “See you never, assholes!”
I waved as the demons activated an RJE device and disappeared. I was going to miss their energy. They were special.
“We’re taking you home, where it’s safe,” Scorpius said fiercely. “Thank the sun god it’s summer there. I can’t wait to be in the warmth far away from the High Court’s bullshit and their news media circus.”
Scorpius wrapped his arms around me tighter. He seemed to have forgotten that he was supposed to be holding me upright. Instead, he was half strangling, half hugging me.
I patted his back.
Apparently everyone needed hugs, even sadomasochists.
“Where is home?” I asked.
Everyone kept talking about it like we had one. Last I’d checked, I was from the fae realm, where the general populace wanted to battle me to the death for my throne.
There were a lot of factors at play.
None of them were good.
“It’s a place where we can protect you,” Orion whispered as he traced his fingers down the side of my face.
“A place where we can protect the world from you,” John said cheekily.
I kicked him, but missed because Scorpius was still wrapped around me like a pretzel.
“How would you stop me? You can’t even carry the luggage,” I said.
John gasped like I’d betrayed him. “Big talk coming from the woman who claims she hates killing, but just murdered a bunch of people in an avalanche of ice.”
It was my turn to gasp. “How dare you—it was clearly an accident.”
The men gave me incredulous looks.