Page 63 of Psycho Gods
A mecca of ungodly.
My foot cramped in my boot as I turned another corner, arches burning as I searched desperately for a door out of the maze.
I slipped again but kept my eyes straight ahead as I pretended not to see the streaks of gore in my peripheral vision.
The corridor was gleaming in cobalt ice.
I was losing control.
Walls and floors melded as my vision blurred. Everything was spinning.
I was losing my mind.
I turned down another dark corridor, then skidded to a stop, then doubled back—it was the outline of another hidden door.
Tightening my core, I kicked and prayed it was an entrance to the main battle where I’d lost my teammates. I prayed the men were inside.
Wood splintered, and it whipped open.
I was wrong.
An infected woman screamed and swung a sword at my face.
My reflexes were the only thing that saved me as I brandished my stolen weapon.
My stomach sank as I took in the cramped dark bedroom.
Sparks flew as steel banged together, and I towered above my foe, taller and stronger. I easily overpowered the infected and pushed my sword closer to her neck.
Her features glowed in the blue light of our enchanted swords.
Innocent eyes were wide with fear. “Why?” the woman whispered brokenly.
A screaming sound started in my head.
My vision wavered.
There was a scraping sound, and I whirled my head to the right to find more women hiding behind her. They were unarmed.
My mind fractured.
“I-I,” I said uselessly, my voice hoarse from hours of exertion. It didn’t matter anyway; there was nothing I could say.
My limbs went numb.
I drowned on air. It felt like I’d plunged into a lake and it had frozen, crushing my organs.
Jinx said inside my head, “Calm yourself, they are already…” Her voice warbled and disappeared.
The woman pressed her glowing sword back toward my neck, and I couldn’t find the strength to resist. I hunched low so we were at eye level.
Her sword hovered inches from my face, sizzling with the blue enchantment that sliced through bone like butter.
She pushed me backward across the room.
I was powerless to stop her.
Time warped.