Page 6 of Captive Heart
Vorak comes over, his eyes widening in greed as he sees the girl. "What have you found, Zoldryn?" he asks, his voice dripping with envy.
"She's mine," I say firmly, my hand protectively covering the chest. "I found her first."
Vorak scowls, his claws digging into the sand. "You can't just claim her for yourself. She's a valuable prize, and she should be shared among the dragons."
I glare at him, my eyes flashing with anger. "I found her, and I'm not giving her up. You can have your share of the treasure, but she's mine."
Vorak grumbles, but he knows better than to challenge me. He stalks off, muttering under his breath. I watch him go, my heart pounding in my chest. I don't know what it is about this girl, but there is something important... something powerful.
Vorak calls out from further down the beach, his voice tinged with excitement. "I've found another survivor!"
I rumble a warning, my voice echoing across the water. "Don't harm them, Vorak. They may be useful."
Vorak's eyes gleam with excitement as he suggests telling the Elder about our discovery. "Think of the rewards, Zoldryn! We could be heroes!"
I clench my jaw, my protective instincts flaring up at the thought of handing the girl over to the Elder. "No," I say firmly. "They'll simply kill them like all the others who have washed up on shore."
Vorak looks taken aback. "We must tell the Elder, Zoldryn."
I stare down at the frail human, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts. On one hand, I've been dreaming of overthrowing the Elder for years, of taking my rightful place as the leader of the dragons. On the other hand, there's something about this girl that draws me in.
I make my decision. Finding her gives me the right to use her magic as I see fit, no matter what the Elder rules. I will have to report the crash, but I won’t be giving up my treasure.
I lift her gently from the chest, cradling her in my arms. I can sense her power growing, fueling my own. It's intoxicating, like nothing I've ever felt before.
I know that Vorak is right. It would be impossible to keep these outsiders a secret from the Elder or the rest of the clan.
"If you wish to keep any of this treasure for yourself, you'd be wise to stash it away before the Elder claims it," I tell him.
Vorak's eyes flare with that telltale golden gleam, and I know he understands what I'm asking. I've seen that look a thousand times before, the one that says he's nearly as unhappy with our leader as I am. The Elder always gets his grubby claws on the prizes that wash up from the sea. Vorak nods, the truth in my voice not lost on him.
I waste no time, quickly filling the chest with treasure of my own. Gold coins, precious gems, shiny cloths - I take what I can, making sure to leave enough room for the human girl. She's small, but I can't risk her being crushed under the weight of all this wealth.
As I work, I can feel Vorak's eyes on me. He's curious, I can tell, but he doesn't ask any questions. He knows better than to question my decisions, especially when it comes to the treasure hoard.
I'm the one who's been wanting this coup for years, after all. This is my moment, and I won't let anyone - not even The Elder - stand in my way.
As I transform into my dragon form, the weight of the chest and the girl feels almost insignificant compared to the power surging through my veins. I spread my wings wide, feeling the wind rush past me as I take off towards Bloodstorm Peak.
I jolt awake, my heart pounding in my chest. The nightmare still lingers, a haunting image of a horned beast carrying me through the sky. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. But as I move to stand, a sharp pain shoots up my leg. I look down and see a chain wrapped around my ankle, securing me to the bedpost. Panic sets in. Have we reached land already? Are they going to sell me into slavery again?
I try to quiet my thoughts and take stock of my surroundings. The room is small and dimly lit, with a single porthole letting in a sliver of light. The bed I'm on is hard and uncomfortable, but at least it's better than the cold, damp floor of the ship's hold. I notice a tray of food on a small table next to the bed, but my stomach turns at the sight of it. I can't eat, not with the fear gnawing at me.
I reach up and feel for the necklace Brin gave me before we escaped. It's still there, hidden beneath my ragged tunic. I clutch it tightly, feeling a small sense of comfort from its presence. But what good will a necklace do against chains and slavery?
I hear footsteps outside the door and my heart races. Are they coming for me? I brace myself, trying to prepare for the worst. But the footsteps pass by and I let out a sigh of relief. For now, at least, I'm safe.
But for how long? I can't stay chained to this bed forever. I need to find a way to escape, to get back to Brin and the others. I start to tug at the chain, trying to loosen it, but it's no use. It's too tight, too strong. I need a key, or a tool, something to break the lock.
I scan the room, looking for anything that might help. But there's nothing, just the bed, the table, and the porthole. I feel a wave of despair wash over me. I'm trapped, with no way out.
The door creaks open and I freeze, my heart pounding in my chest. The monster from my nightmare stands before me, his horns casting a menacing shadow on the wall. I scream, but no sound comes out.