Page 8 of Holding Grace
“At least give me his name and phone number in case something happens, and I need information for the police.”
Knowing she’d never need it, I nonetheless gave Vanessa the information she’d asked for. Then with no more excuses to stall, I walked out to the front to meet Michael.
His eyes met mine the second I stepped through the kitchen door. He watched me intently and I wondered if he was watching to be sure I didn’t make a break for the diner’s front door. He stood as Vanessa and I walked closer.
“Ready to go?”
I nodded wordlessly, then followed Vanessa to the door with Michael following behind. Michael and I waited while Vanessa locked the door, then with a quick hug for me and a hard look at Michael, she was gone. I trailed Michael to the only other vehicle in the lot – a massive black pick-up truck – and climbed up inside as Michael held the passenger side door for me. Once he was settled behind the wheel, engine running and seatbelt fastened, he turned to look at me.
“Where to?”
I could still change my mind about taking him to my apartment. I could direct him somewhere else, or I could ask him if we could just sit here in the diner parking lot in the truck and talk.
I could do that, but I didn’t.
Instead, I pointed past him to the black and red sign for Cameo down the block.
“See that sign for Cameo? My apartment is above the bar.”
Michael put the truck in gear and less than a minute later we pulled into Cameo’s lot. As he pulled up next to the door up to my apartment, Travis stepped around the side of the building. I suppressed a groan, knowing I should have expected it. We’d been slow at the diner, I was sure the bar had to be slow, too. I should have realized that Travis would be watching for me.
Travis eyed both the truck and Michael as Michael came around to help me down. Hoping to forestall a conversation, I sent a wave and “good night” in Travis’ direction as I headed for my apartment door.
Of course, it didn’t work.
After a nod of acknowledgement for Travis, Michael had turned to follow me when Travis’ voice stopped us both.
“You Michael?”
I cringed and closed my eyes as I heard Michael turn back in Travis’ direction.
Please don’t let Travis say the word ‘boyfriend’. Please oh please oh please.
I turned to see Michael and Travis watching each other, Michael completely relaxed like he didn’t have a care in the world, and Travis as tense as a bowstring.
I had no idea what was going through either of their minds. I only hoped Travis had enough sense not to do something stupid. Michael was at least 6 inches taller and far more built than Travis; there was no possibility that any kind of physical altercation would come out in Travis’ favor.
Finally, Michael acknowledged Travis’ question. “Yeah, I’m Michael. And you are?”
Travis eyed Michael for another moment, before glancing at me, then back to Michael. Ignoring Michael’s question, he stepped back toward the front of the building.
“‘Bout damn time.”
Michael looked at me in question, but I just shook my head and led the way to the door to my apartment. As far as I was concerned, the less said about Travis, and anything I may have told him, the better.
Michael followed me through the outer door, up the stairs, and through the second door into my apartment. It didn’t feel anywhere close to spacious on a good day, but with Michael taking up so much of the space, it felt downright tiny. I’d chosen it for its location, affordable price, and the fact that it came furnished. It was far from the Taj Mahal, but it was everything I needed. I’d also always felt safe there, which was worth more to me than almost anything else.
I waved Michael toward the two wingback chairs that made up my entire living room and crossed over to my fridge.
“Do you want something to drink? I have tea or water.”
Michael settled his large frame in a chair and leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. “Water would be great, thanks.”
I poured each of us a glass from the pitcher I kept in the fridge, then crossed to give it to him, careful to avoid our hands accidentally touching as I did so.
Then I sat down in the other chair and waited.
I didn’t have to wait long.