Page 80 of Holding Grace
Oh no. What had I done wrong?
“It’s a new recipe...” I stammered to a halt as Michael shook his head again.
“It’s fantastic.” His dark eyes were filled with such affection and appreciation that it was all I could do not to crawl across the table and jump him. “I deeply, deeply regret not stealing you back for the pub when we had the chance.” He broke into a grin. “Don’t tell Mercy I said that.”
I returned his smile as my nerves settled a fraction. “Your secret is safe with me.”
As we ate, Michael filled me in on the project at Levi’s, which had involved moving old furniture out of the basement, then ripping out multiple layers of old flooring and patching walls in preparation for the space to be re-finished. It sounded like hard physical work that Michael and the guys had enjoyed doing.
Finally, Michael spooned up the last of the chocolate-hazelnut budino I’d made for dessert and pushed back slightly from the table with a groan, one hand resting on his flat, toned stomach.
“Gracie, that’s the best meal I’ve had in a very long time. Thank you.”
I fought the urge to duck my head. I wasn’t sure I’d ever get used to all the compliments Michael showered me with, but I was determined to try.
“You’re very welcome.”
Michael stood, stacking my empty plate on top of his. When I stood and reached for his dessert dish, he waved me away.
“You cooked, I’m on clean-up.”
I reached for the dish again. “I don’t mind helping.”
I followed him into the kitchen, a little preoccupied thinking about what I hoped would happen next and how to approach Michael about it.
Together we got the dishes in the dishwasher, the pans washed and dried, the counters wiped down, and the leftovers put away. I was reaching to put a seasoning back in the cabinet as Michael reached from behind me to do the same with a pan when we bumped into each other.
I heard Michael’s sharp intake of breath as his hands landed on my hips.
I took a quick breath of my own. This was it. Here was my chance.
I turned slowly, stopping Michael with my hand on his side when it seemed like he was going to take a step back.
He stayed where he was, his eyes growing darker as I drew closer to him, our bodies just barely touching.
He watched me as I slid my hand from his side to his chest and reached the other up to rest at the nape of his neck. Then I pressed closer against him, raised up on my toes a little, and he bent his head to meet me.
I brushed my lips across his, loving the feel of being so close to him. His big hands rested at my waist, and I could feel his heart racing under my hand on his chest.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, that you’re still doing for me,” I whispered as I pressed kisses along Michael’s jaw and down his neck. He smelled so good and felt so good that I spoke almost without thinking.
I felt Michael’s whole body stiffen a second before he gently pushed me back a step. I immediately missed the feel of his body pressed to mine.
“Is that what this is about?” Michael slid his hands up to cup my face, holding it as our eyes met. “Are you doing this as a way to repay me? Is that what dinner was about?”
I shook my head even though what Michael had said was partly true. It wasn’t entirely that, I wanted this with him, but...
“I just...” I stuttered to a stop, unsure what to say.
Michael’s hands moved to my shoulders, and he took another step back. Still captured in his gaze, I saw the storm clouds begin to gather in his eyes.
“You think I want that? For you to pay off some debt you think you have to me?”
Unable to look at Michael any longer, I dropped my eyes to the floor. Michael sounded angry but at the core of it he sounded hurt. I’d felt so good kissing him a few moments before, but all I felt now was embarrassment.
Dropping his hands from my shoulders, Michael turned and walked away. When I heard the jingle of his keys, I looked up but then wished I hadn’t. Michael stood at the door, keys in one hand, his other on the doorknob, the anger and hurt I’d heard in his voice now blazing in his eyes. Even with that, he didn’t raise his voice.
“I told you before you’re not running a tab. I guess I didn’t understand how desperate you were...are. To marry me, thinking I’m the kind of man who expects you to give me your body as payment. Desperate doesn’t begin to describe how you must feel.”