Page 98 of Holding Grace
Michael’s eyes darkened as his big hands gripped my thighs. “Where? Did he see you?”
Did he know how much it meant to me that he didn’t question what I said I’d seen? Didn’t ask if I was sure?
“He did. It was here, outside. I talked to him.”
Michael’s concerned gaze raked my face. “What did he say?”
“That he wants to talk to me. He says he has something I need to hear, and that Ellis doesn’t know he’s here. He’s afraid for Ellis to find out. He was nervous.”
“Did he try to grab you? Did he hurt you?”
I shook my head, resting my hands on top of his. “Just scared me. Startled me, really.” My lips curved up in a small smile. “He said he needed to find me when my giant wasn’t with me.” Michael’s eyes, dark and serious, stayed fixed on mine. “He didn’t try anything else.”
“Where is he now?”
“I told him to go away, and I’d call him with a time to meet us to talk tonight.”
“That’s my brave girl.” Now Michael grinned. “Taking control and letting him know who’s in charge.”
I swallowed hard again, remnants of adrenaline still coursing through me. “I didn’t feel brave or in charge. I was scared,” I confessed. “I just wanted him to go away.”
“Being brave doesn’t mean you’re not scared. It means you get shit done anyway.”
I didn’t argue, just nodded as I took a breath.
“What do want to do now, Gracie?” Michael asked. “You call it, time and place.”
“I want to get it over with. Hear what he has to say and hopefully be done with him and Ellis forever. Where...” I shook my head as I searched my admittedly muddled brain for a suitable spot. “He said it needs to be private.”
Michael looked as dubious as I felt.
“Maybe we should call Detective Chase and see what he says.”
“Want me to do it?” Michael asked.
A little of the tension drained out of my body. “Would you?”
“Of course.” Michael rose to his feet, dropping a kiss on first my lips then my forehead on his way up, then stepped back and pulled out his phone.
I heard him talking as I got a glass from the cabinet and ran myself some water. I leaned against the counter and sipped slowly, trying to settle my body and mind.
After a brief conversation Michael came back into the kitchen. “Detective Chase is going to talk to some people and get a meeting place set up. He plans to be there and have some plainclothes officers there in case anything happens. He’ll call us back in a few minutes.”
I set my glass aside as Michael came to stand in front of me. I tugged at the front of his shirt, and he complied with my unspoken demand, stepping into me and wrapping his arms around me. I looped my arms around his waist, rested my head on his chest, and let the steady thump of his heart soothe me, hoping it wasn’t too far-fetched to think that this whole thing may be over soon.
AT DETECTIVE CHASE’S direction, we arranged to meet Seth at 6 PM at Forever Blue, a small bar owned and operated by a retired police officer.
The bar was mostly empty when Michael and I walked in a few minutes before six. There were a couple of men at the bar, both dressed in flannel shirts and ball caps, a man and a woman sitting at a high-top dressed like they’d come from an office job, and a lone guy seated at a big table, which gave the impression that a group of friends would be joining him soon.
Michael and I headed for the booth in the far corner where Detective Chase had directed us to sit, and slid side-by-side into the seat facing the door. The bartender acknowledged us with a chin lift, then came around the end of the bar to talk with us.
“Friends of Roman’s?” he asked, and we nodded at the name Detective Chase had given us. “What can I get you?” He cut us off quietly but firmly as we were about to decline. “You’ll draw less attention from other customers if you have a drink in front of you. It’s what people expect to see.”
So, he was in on the plan, too. It was good to know for sure that there were reinforcements nearby if needed.
“I’ll have a beer and...” Michael looked at me.