Page 17 of Ruined
I was trembling, ready to come faster than I ever would have expected. I found myself looking down at him through a glaze of tears, surprised at myself for not freaking out or wanting to run away. For being able to let him touch me without flinching violently.
I blinked away the tears and watched him fuck me with his mouth and hand. Every lick and stroke brought me closer and closer to coming.
I let out a soft moan and pitched over the edge, into the first orgasm I ever had that I didn't give to myself.
I arched my back and ground myself against his mouth, wanting to enjoy every second, every moment for as long as I could. This was what I'd been missing all this time. A pure, loving connection between two people. Sweet touches from a man who wanted nothing more from me than to see me enjoy myself.
He went on lapping at my pussy until I came all the way down from my orgasm and my vision cleared. My pulse raced like crazy, but the rest of me felt like blissed out rubber.
He pulled his head back and grinned. "Sweetheart, you taste like pure heaven. Sound like it too. I've never heard a woman come like that."
He slid his hand out of me and, with a cheeky smile, licked my release from his fingers.
"Thank you," I said softly. "No one has ever done that for me before."
"I should be thanking you," he said. "For letting me do that for you. I could lick that sweet pussy of yours all day long. And all night. You're so fucking perfect. So fucking mine."
When he said it, there was nothing creepy about it. Nothing to suggest he wanted to hide me away from the world and use me. His tone was one of love and genuine appreciation and respect for me. When he said I was his, he meant I was his to cherish, not to possess. At least, not in the way Kurt wanted to possess me. They couldn't be more different.
"If I'm not careful, I could fall for you," I told him.
He grinned. "That's great, because I've already fallen for you. What's that fishing analogy? Cook, line and sinker?"
I laughed softly and lifted my hips to help him put my panties and jeans back into place. "I think it's hook, line and sinker. But yours is good too."
"Mine is more likely to include food," he said. "I've had my dessert, I'm sure you'd like to have yours. They're probably ready by now." He offered me his hand, just as my stomach rumbled.
I took it and stood. I chewed my lip for a moment before saying, "I want to taste you some day."
"Any time, sweetheart," he said. Judging by the tenting in the front of his pants, he was ready right now. I wished I was too, but we had plenty of time.
I hoped.
I double and triple checked the address. Double and triple checked the layout of the building. Moved around it slowly, taking in everything.
The building looked old and tired, but it was a façade. The security system was state-of-the-art. Unable to be disabled or hacked.
Unable, my ass. There was no such thing as a security system that couldn't be bypassed. You just had to know how.
Ignoring the fact it was Kurt who taught me, I pulled a small device out of my pocket and held it up to the touchscreen beside the door.
I pressed my fingers against the front of the device, letting it read my thumbprint. A screen on the front turned on, dark enough that it wouldn't alert anyone to me standing outside in the shadows.
A tap on the screen and it started to run through numbers and symbols. One by one, it deciphered the pass code. The keypad flashed green and the door unlocked with a faint click.
I shoved the device back in my pocket and opened the door wide enough to slip inside. Silently, I closed the door behind me.
The corridor in front of me was in darkness, but a room at the end was well lit.
I grimaced at the sound of groaning that came from it. It was loud enough that I could have stomped down the corridor and not be heard.
I shook my head and eased forward, stepping carefully across the polished concrete floor. I passed two closed doors and an open one. I glanced in, but saw nothing but darkness and the outline of a bed. No one was in there.
I stepped to the room at the end of the corridor.