Page 74 of Escaping Wildfire
Hadley looked around as if scared someone would overhear the conversation. “Honestly, I would love to be able to leave. The state, the city…this pack. Wildfire pack members don’t leave though…not unless we find our mate in a different pack…but that’s going to be as easy as finding a needle in a haystack with how often I encounter new people.” She sighed heavily, before shaking her head. “It’s not that I don’t love the pack, it’s home…but"–
“I get it,” Rory interjected. “It’s home for me, too…but sometimes I wonder if there’s more out there for me…something better.
The two shared a wordless look, seeming to understand each other better than I ever could.
“Would you leave if you got the chance?”
“In a heartbeat–"
The two said at the same time.
I found it interesting how open Hadley was about her feelings about the pack. I wanted to know more, but I also didn’t want her to get suspicious about my intentions, so I kept quiet. From there, we finished the rest of our swim and headed our separate ways to get cleaned up.
As we did most nights, Larkin, Rory, and I had dinner upstairs together. Halfway through, Larkin cleared his throat loudly as if he wanted to get my attention but didn’t know how.
“Has…has your brother said anything about Nora? Is she okay?”
“Yeah, he says she’s settling in really well, and Luna Ellis has taken her under her wing, showing her everything she needs to know about being a Luna.”
Larkin’s eyes glowed gold with his wolf for a few seconds, and he smiled. They must like thinking of Nora as their Luna. I smiled back at him. It was nice seeing him happy, he was usually so somber. The only time he smiled was when we were talking about Nora. He must really love her a lot.
“That’s good, I’m glad she’s safe now.”
“Me, too.” Rory agreed, “We’ll work everything out, and she’ll be with you again soon, Lark.” She smiled at her brother, ever hopeful. The girl was a ray of sunshine in the darkest of times. I wished she’d give me her secret for being so sweet all the time.
We ate silently for a few minutes before I spoke up. “So, I’ve been thinking,” Both Rory and Larkin looked up at me, “Hadley wants out of the pack…and she’s allowed to come in and out of the territory…what if she helped get me out? We could make a deal, have her help me out in exchange for a place at Harvest Moon for her?”
Rory’s eyes went wide as she nodded excitedly. “That might be good.”
“It could work, but what if our father blames me and Rory like he did with Nora? I can’t have my sister getting hurt again.”
“That’s a good point,” I thought for a minute, “What if we plan it during a time you won’t be here or are with your father, that way you have an alibi?”
“Maybe but let me check my schedule and compare it to my dad’s. Let me figure that part out before you mention anything to your friend. Are you sure she’s on our side and not my dad’s?”
“She seems genuine.” I looked at Rory for support and she nodded along with me. “We’ll keep working on the friendship, and maybe by the time you have something, she’ll be up to helping us.”
“What if Rory went with you?” Larkin asked and waited to see what I thought.
“Yes, that would be amazing. Then we could ensure your safety.” I looked over at Rory who looked unsure of leaving with me.
“I don’t know, as much as I’d love to leave, if I go, then Father will know for sure Larkin was involved. I can’t…it’s just…it’s not my time to leave yet.” She shook her head looking at me and Larkin in turn. “If you plan to challenge our father’s position, then there are things we need to do here, and you’ll need help. I need to stay for now.”
“I understand,” I gave her a small smile, “even if I hate leaving you behind.” I then turned back to Larkin, “You’ll work on finding out the schedule then, and we’ll keep getting to know Hadley. I have a good feeling about this.” I smiled enthusiastically as we went back to finishing our meal.
33 Final Step
Gema has called nearly every day to talk to us. I was starting to live for those phone calls, even if I only got to hear her voice for a few short minutes. She had told us about her new friend and their idea to have her help get Gema out. We then told Alpha about Gema’s idea, but he wanted us to wait until we met with Olivia to put something into motion. She planned to come up on the weekend, as she said she had been working on some things, so we wouldn’t have to wait long.
The rest of the week was uneventful, but Cosmo was in a much better mood with Gema calling more often. I had also taken the opportunity to make my relationship with my brothers better. I’ve always liked them, but in the last few years, I cared more about being with friends than with family. It was nice getting to hang out with them again.
Alpha called us to his apartment for dinner on Saturday, and we were surprised to see Olivia had already arrived as we hadn’t expected her until tomorrow.
“Come on in guys. We’re up here today as Olivia’s son traveled with her again. It’s easier to keep an eye on the two boys when we’re in the apartment.