Page 13 of Beau
Rissa laughed. “I was due two days ago. I got bored waiting for this baby to make an entrance.” She shrugged.
“How did Reece take you working?” Beau asked after he took another bite from his burger.
“He wasn’t happy, but you men have no idea how it’s a pain just waiting.”
Beau and Killian laughed.
“No, we don’t.” Beau grinned.
After lunch, Beau paid for his meal, nodded at Killian, then strode out the door to walk back to the office. Light snow was falling but as far as he knew, no accumulation was expected, but being Clifton, that could quickly change. It was early October, after all.
Brenna let out a heavy sigh as she gazed through the window, watching thick snowflakes dance and swirl in the chilly air. Just then, a sharp knock sounded at her door, causing her to jump. Glancing at the clock, she saw that Beau was right on time.
She smoothed down her dress, took a deep breath, and made her way to the door. She smiled as she waved him inside. The brim of his hat and the shoulders of his coat were covered in snow, and he held a pink rose in his hand which he handed to her.
“Thank you,” Brenna said gratefully, taking the flower from him. “Come inside. Do you think we should risk going out?”
“The roads are clear,” Beau assured her with a grin. “I don’t think the snow will stick after today’s warm temperatures.” He removed his hat and brushed off the snow before entering her apartment. Looking around, he remarked, “This is a nice place. No one would ever suspect there’s an apartment up here.”
“My dad converted it after Eric and I divorced,” Brenna explained with a shake of her head. “I lived with my parents for a while.” She chuckled ruefully. “As I said before, I love them, but living with them again just wasn’t an option.”
Beau laughed along with her. “I get it. I don’t think I could live with my parents either.” He paused to take in Brenna’s appearance, and she saw the admiration in his eyes in how her blue dress fit her like a glove and her stilettos accentuated her legs. “You look beautiful.”
Heat crept into Brenna’s cheeks as Beau’s gaze roamed over her from head to toe. “Thank you,” she murmured. “Let me put this rose in the fridge and then we can go.”
“Of course,” Beau replied, standing by the door and waiting for her.
Brenna placed the rose in the refrigerator before making her way to the coatrack. As she reached for her coat, she was surprised when Beau took it from her and held it for her to slip into. She looked at him in surprise.
“What?” he asked, frowning slightly.
“I’m not used to a man holding my coat for me,” Brenna admitted with a small laugh.
Beau’s eyebrows shot up. “Didn’t Eric, do it?”
Brenna let out a snort of laughter. “No.” She shook her head.
“Well, my mother would tan my hide and my brother’s if we didn’t treat a lady properly,” Beau replied with a smile.
“You know, for as long as I’ve known you, I’ve never met your brother,” Brenna mused as they made their way out into the snowy evening.
Beau flashed a grin. “Luke can be a real pain in my ass, but I love him.”
“But you guys are close, right?” Brenna asked.
“We are. I’m only two years older than him.” Beau took her hand as they walked down the steps to his truck. The snow was starting to taper off, but Brenna knew that could change at any moment in this area. It seemed like it could snow any time of year here if it got cold enough. She couldn’t help but giggle.
“What’s so funny?” Beau asked.
“I was just thinking how it wouldn’t be surprising if it snowed in Clifton in July.” She smiled when Beau chuckled.
“That’s the truth,” he agreed as he opened the door for her, and she shook her head. “Let me guess, Eric didn’t open doors for you either?”
“What a prick,” Beau muttered before closing the door and walking around to the driver’s side. He opened the door and slid onto the seat.