Page 61 of Beau
He thought about asking her to spend the weekend at his place. He just couldn’t get enough of her, in every sense of the word. He loved her sense of humor and her personality; the amazing sex was just an added bonus. He grinned as he picked up his phone and sent her a text, inviting her to spend the weekend with him and go to Dewey’s Saturday night. Her immediate response of ‘yes’ made him chuckle.
“Hey Beau,” Killian greeted as he walked over to his desk and took a seat.
“Killian, I wasn’t sure you’d make it in today.”
“I would’ve found a way. I was going crazy being cooped up inside for two days.”
Beau chuckled. “I bet you were.”
Killian raised an eyebrow. “You weren’t?”
“Not really, I had company.” Beau smirked.
“Well damn, I need to find myself a woman.” Killian laughed.
“Are you going to Eli’s wedding?”
“He invited me, but I’m not sure yet.”
“It’ll be a great opportunity to meet some single women at the reception.” Beau grinned.
“You know what, you’re right. I think I will go.”
“I knew that would change your mind.” Beau sighed. “I still have no idea what to do with that boy.”
“Good luck, I don’t envy your position. It’s a tough call.” Killian shook his head. “On one hand I’d want to teach him a lesson and leave him there, but on the other, that could make things worse when he gets out. But honestly, I’d let him stew for a week or two. Let him see what he has to look forward to if he doesn’t cooperate.”
“My thoughts exactly.” Beau stood up. “Have a good day, Killian.”
“You too.”
Beau put on his coat and hat before leaving the office and heading to his truck. He dreaded going to see Donnie Simpson at the detention center; he was still unsure of how to handle the troubled teenager, but for now, he wasn’t going to do anything.
Saturday evening, Beau drove his truck to Dewey’s. He could smell Brenna’s light perfume and he wanted to say, screw this, let’s just stay home, but he knew she wanted a night out since being kept indoors for days.
“I am so ready to get out,” she said.
“Me too. Getting out to go to work isn’t the same as getting out after being stuck indoors for a while.”
“The kids were rambunctious after the last two days of being cooped up. They told me their parents didn’t let them out to play in the snow.” Brenna chuckled.
“It was too deep for that.” Beau nodded.
“I’m so happy that Mr. Barton loves getting his backhoe out.”
Beau grinned. “He does seem to enjoy it, doesn’t he?”
Brenna nodded as Beau maneuvered the truck into a parking spot at Dewey’s bar. The lot was full, a sign that many others were also suffering from cabin fever.
“Looks like we’ll have to walk a bit,” Beau said.
“That’s alright, I just want to let loose and have some fun,” she replied with a smile.
“Rough couple of days?” he asked sympathetically.
“Thursday and Friday were exhausting. My students were unusually energetic and hard to control. I think next time it snows, I’ll call all the parents and tell them to let their kids play outside so they don’t bring all that energy back into the classroom.” Brenna sighed.