Page 45 of Drive To Survive
“My whole life I’ve fought to maintain control, yet when I’m with you, I’m so close to losing it, and that should scare me more than it does.” I flicked a tongue over her nipple. “I want to taste every inch of your skin. Particularly here.” I reached between us and stroked her clit, then slipped two fingers inside her. “Right here, Everly. Would you like that?”
She nodded, her tongue skimming her lips.
“And tomorrow, when I’m at work and you’re up on the viewing platform watching Rhett, I’m going to sit in my office and recall what you tasted like. I’ll get hard. I’ll probably masturbate. And the only thing I’ll be thinking of when I do it is you.”
“Oh God.” She clenched around my fingers as I moved them slowly in and out of her. “God, Nico, you make me want to throw everything aside, to act crazy, be reckless, take risks.”
I bent my head and kissed her. “Then do it. Your life is your own, Everly. Make it what you want it to be. Live in the now, not in the past.”
Fuck, the irony. I should listen to my own advice. I’d lived in the past ever since my suspension broke at Spa. I’d lost count of the number of times I’d wished I could turn back the clock and do something different, even if I had no idea what that would be. If I had my time again, I’d still chase Tate down as hard as I had, the taste of victory more addictive than any fear for my own safety.
Sliding down her body, I eased her thighs apart and hooked her legs over my shoulders. The second my tongue touched her pussy, she cried out. I clamped a hand over her mouth. Rhett hadn’t long had a nightmare, and he might not be in a deep sleep yet. The last thing either of us needed was him thinking his mother was having a bad dream, too, and for him to come and investigate.
Christ, the embarrassment of getting caught eating out his mother. He wouldn’t have a clue what was going on, but I didn’t fancy trying to come up with an age-appropriate explanation either.
Everly’s body vibrated, her calves contracting against my ears. She fisted the sheets and arched her back, greedily demanding more.
I gave it to her.
“Way to go, Rhett,” I yelled, pride swelling inside my chest as I watched my little boy break his lap record for the second time today. When he’d arisen this morning, he hadn’t even mentioned the nightmare that had woken him, and his disturbed night’s sleep didn’t seem to have affected his reactions out on track one little bit.
When Nico first told me Rhett had a special gift for racing, I thought he was being kind, but now I’d started to believe him. The kids in Rhett’s group lagged far behind, yet they’d all received exactly the same instruction. What was it Nico had said to me this morning before he left for the track?
You can’t teach talent.
It looked as though I had a future racer on my hands.
These days, it was easier to swallow the fear that had threatened to consume me when Rhett first started racing. This was a dangerous sport, but not nearly as dangerous as people thought. There were so many safety measures developed over the years. Sometimes, given career-ending accidents like Nico’s, it was easy to believe that the drivers who raced took their lives into their hands every time they got behind the wheel. The reality was far from that. Nico had been unlucky, but on the whole, this was as safe a sport as any other.
Rhett hadn’t gotten into a single fight at school in the last few weeks, and after Nico’s visit to the Wilsons, he hadn’t mentioned any more issues with Brad either. Despite my initial anger at Nico’s interference, it appeared he’d done me a favor.
Memories of the last week, but particularly the last twenty-four hours, crept into my mind, and I smiled. I’d never imagined for a single second that sex could feel so good. With Paul, I’d enjoyed sex, but I hadn’t been immersed in the experience. With Nico, I couldn’t get enough. Even standing here surrounded by the smell of grease and oil and fumes, with the sound of roaring engines splitting my eardrums, all I could think about was what I wanted to do to him, and what I wanted him to do to me.
My phone buzzed in my pocket. I withdrew it, and my heart tripped. I opened the text Nico had sent me.
Nico: I’m in my office, and I’m thinking about last night and the taste of you. Guess what else I’m doing?
My entire midsection tightened. I tapped out a response.
Yeah, I’m afraid I’m going to need to see some evidence.
He replied with a row of laughing emojis and a follow-up text. Nico: I’ll show you personal, tonight.
Ohhh. Nico touching himself in front of me had just jumped to the front of the line of my most coveted fantasies.
I’ll hold you to that, I replied.
He didn’t respond, and soon my attention returned to Rhett.
A short while later, Rhett pulled into the pit lane, his session over for today. I left the viewing gallery and made my way back to the main office and waiting area. Adele was hidden behind a pile of paperwork as normal, but she stopped typing as I appeared, and pointed to the chair closest to her desk, then rose to her feet.
“How about a coffee and a donut?”
“Sounds great,” I said, glancing around.
“He’s not here,” she said, an impish grin lifting her mouth at the corners. “He’s gone down to the pits.”