Page 103 of Three of a Kind
I’d snap a picture of Noble and Libby.
“Come on. You can sit between me and Gunner.” Maverick guides us over to the couch and leads me to take the middle seat.
Nova and Haze lay across the wood flooring that lines the dining room rather than the rug in the living room. I’ll bet it’s cooler, and they look beat.
“Did you torture them?” I ask, pointing at the dogs.
Maverick and Gunner snort simultaneously.
“Nah, they’re just in vacation mode.” Maverick shrugs. “They usually do three to five miles a day, but that’s been tough in the city. They did three miles this morning, and they’re acting like they’ve been deeply betrayed.” He laughs. “Well, Nova is. Haze probably had another couple of miles in him.”
Gunner’s hand lands on my thigh as he stretches to grab two small boxes on top. He lays one in my lap and stretches to hand the second box to Noble, who places it on Libby’s thighs.
“I can open it?” she screeches.
“Yes,” Noble agrees. “But keep the screaming to a minimum. My brain is still healing.”
Libby frowns over her shoulder. “Sorry, Noble.”
“It’s all good, shortstack. Open your first courting gift.” He smiles at me. “You too, Mama.”
“This is from the three of us,” Gunner says, smiling as he nods to my lap.
I focus back on the gift, trying not to get emotional. It feels like they’ve done so much for me, but I have no way of paying back their kindness.
“Here, I’ll help,” Maverick says, shaking the box. It’s an easy-pull-off lid, and once it’s off, my head tilts.
“It’s a book…” Libby says, sounding confused. “I think.”
If she got the same thing I did, then it’s a catalog. My jaw falls when I see the name emboldened on the front.
Um, holy shit.
The Divine Omega is a specialty shop for omegas. They do everything from heat boxes, filled with must-have favorites, to picnic baskets that are supposed to have treats that help with post-heat cramps. What I’m looking at says “Nest Exclusives.”
“If we settle at our house in Virginia,” Gunner says, brushing his fingers over my thigh as I tug the catalog out, “we have six bedrooms, including a pack bedroom. It has a full nest, which you’ll need to set up to your liking.”
My eyes fly to Noble, but he’s holding Libby’s catalog and pointing at something. “Look at this one; it’s a princess bed.”
“It’s for me?” she asks, squinting at the page. It makes her nose wrinkle, and it’s so cute that I find myself laughing.
“Unless you like this one.” He taps the other page. “I don’t know. Personally, I like the treehouse.”
“Yes, I do,” she says, nodding with wide eyes. “Can I have it now?”
“Once we all move in together,” Maverick says, stretching around me. “You can decorate your bedroom however you want.”
“Nova and Haze can sleep with me?” Libby asks, tilting her head and fluttering her long dark lashes for good measure.
“Nova will,” Gunner says, smiling. “Haze likes to pace the house all night to make sure it’s safe while we’re sleeping.”
“That’s fine.” She pats Noble’s thigh. “Turn the page.”
“Yours is so much bigger,” Gunner says close to my ear. “Because there are samples of every fabric and little color cards for other things, like the dressers and other furniture.”
“We want you to go wild and pick whatever you want to make both the pack bedroom and the nest your own,” Maverick says from my other side.
My eyes ache as I flip open the cover to browse. I really wish we were there now. Virginia seems so far from New York that it instantly feels safer.