Page 123 of Three of a Kind
And that’s exactly what I intend to do.
We make a quick stop at a warehouse that feels very similar to the one we visited to save Noble.
The calm focus I’ve been waiting for sets in as I strap myself into my harnesses and check my Glocks before shoving them into their thigh holsters.
Remembering how I ran out of ammo the other night has me tossing extra magazines in the pockets on my tactical vest that I usually don’t use.
I even slide a sheath into each boot.
Let’s hope I don’t need those.
If I do, that’ll mean shit got real.
It suddenly makes a lot more sense why guys like Bishop, Holt, and Ramirez used to be with us in the field on every dangerous mission, but now they have to be practically coerced into participating.
My life is intrinsically tied to Brooklyn’s since we bonded.
It’s a sobering realization when I’ve heckled those guys hardcore. Still, the Barretts are going to pay for what they’ve done to innocent omegas, and Avan, especially, is going to regret every shitty thing he’s done to Brooklyn.
Kostov, Aleks, and several of his higher-ups leave the warehouse at the same time we do. The majority of his men should be in place and waiting for us to arrive.
Bless picked her team from the women she employs, and they’re also in position.
Locke drives since he knows the way better than any of us.
It’s quiet as fuck in the SUV, but I’m superstitious. I call my family before every mission, and that’s not going to change now.
Ranger huffs, shaking his head at the ceiling as soon as he hears me speak, but it lightens the mood when Noble stretches over to tell my mom he loves her.
“Okay, I’ve gotta run,” I say to end the call. “I love you all.” My parents chorus their love, and I hang up. “All right, I’m officially ready to slaughter some dicks.”
Locke looks at Ranger. “I hope our kids call us one day before every murder.”
Soren sighs. “I’m in a car full of idiots. I can’t wait to get home to my family.”
Chapter Thirty-Six
Locke guides the SUV down the small side street that leads to the back gate of the Barrett mansion. You can tell we’re in the wealthy part of the city. There’s actual space between the houses, which is unusual for New York City.
I’m not even sure this counts as being in the city.
It was a long-as-fuck drive.
Goddamn, I’m ready to be back in Virginia. I’d even take Boston or DC over this hellscape.
“The rear gate is going to be fifteen or twenty feet around this curve.” Locke cuts off the lights as he slows the vehicle, eventually coming to a stop. “My guess is they’ll have two men on the outside and one in the gatehouse. He’s going to be the key. Take him out before he can hit the alarm. The guys on the outside will have comms, but if you keep them from radioing it in, you should be fine. Let us know when they’re disposed of, and we’ll pull around to join you.”
Ranger pulls the AR-15 out from his chest and locks the bolt. He starts his pre-mission function check and goes through the motions. Eventually, he grabs a magazine, pressure checks the ammo before slamming it in, and smacks the bolt release. He tugs the gun up, checking the optics, and nods.
“I’m ready when the two of you are,” he says to me and Soren. We’re in the middle row with Noble and Maverick in the back. Once we exit, they can cycle up to sit in our seats. “I’ll take the shot for any in the gatehouse, and you can address the ones outside.”
“Don’t forget your mask,” Soren says as Ranger moves to toss open the passenger door of the SUV.
“Yes, of course,” Ranger mutters petulantly. “I’d love to annoy my sensory issues to the point I contemplate blowing my own brain matter all over the pavement.” He still rips the mask down over his face. “Come along, gentlemen. This fabric is making me surlier than normal.”
“God, I need a vacation,” I whisper, tossing my door open.