Page 140 of Three of a Kind
Now, I just need to locate my wife.
Heading down the stairs, I peek into the living room. I already checked the nest and the bathroom in the pack bedroom before going to check on Libby. Since I haven’t run into Brooklyn, there’s only one place left she could be.
Coming around the corner, I stop at the wall. Brooklyn moans, shuffling from side to side, like her hips are bothering her. It’s basically an all-the-time thing lately.
She bends over, cutting a slice off the block of cheese before quickly doing another. She layers one with a piece of pepperoni and tosses it into her mouth.
“I didn’t forget about you,” she says around the bite of food.
I frown until I see her throw the other piece to Haze. His furry head appears over the top of the counter as he jumps to catch it in midair.
“You just eat yours too fast, and the drool…” She laughs. “Thankfully, I’m well past the morning sickness, because you’re slobbering everywhere.”
I whistle, calling his spoiled ass over. He comes, but he doesn’t look happy about it. I snort. “There’s food in your bowl. Quit begging the pregnant lady.”
Brooklyn lights up as she spots me, and my heart thumps faster in response.
Seeing her happy is my new addiction.
We got to see glimmers of the real her that night in the bar and at Bless’s, but getting that version of her all the time tells me we’re doing something right.
I slide up behind her and pull her hair to the side. One hand moves around to caress the baby belly as the other gently massages her hip.
“Have I told you today how fucking beautiful you are?” I murmur, nipping at her ear.
She snorts. “I have pepperoni breath, and I haven’t seen my feet in weeks.”
Laughing, I spin her to face me. “Yum, I love pepperoni and cheddar cheese.” I capture her mouth. It’s a stretch to reach her lips, but I’ve got a long torso, and I use that to my advantage.
It’s crazy how low her lung capacity is, but that baby is taking up all her space.
She pulls back, gasping for air.
“Sorry,” she says with a laugh.
“No need to apologize, sweetheart. Now, do you want me to cut some more cheese slices, or are you ready to head up to bed?”
Her nose wrinkles as her lips push together. “Maybe just a few more slices now that Haze isn’t hogging more than half of them.”
I chuckle. “You got it.”
Five Days Before Brooklyn’s Due Date
Our sweet little omega doesn’t make it to her due date. The contractions become clear in the bond well before she’s ready to admit she’s in active labor.
Gunner calls Locke and Laken to be on alert while Noble calls his moms to tell them they need to move up their flights.
“What are we going to do with Libby?” Brooklyn asks with wide eyes as I help her over to wash her hands after using the bathroom for like the twentieth time in an hour.
It’s the middle of the night.
Libby won’t be up for five or six hours.
“I think the best thing we can do is let her sleep,” I tell her truthfully. “She loves Locke and his pack.” I shrug. “Vale said we can bring her over to the Assurance compound, but I think it’ll be easier if she wakes up in her own bed.”
“Okay,” Brooklyn chokes out, shimmying her hips from side to side. “Oh, fuck. They’re getting really intense.”
“And really close together,” Gunner says, appearing in the doorway. “I’m going to text Locke that it’s time they come over. Noble and I will get the bags packed up.”