Page 9 of Three of a Kind
I’m freaking exhausted, and no matter how hard I try to keep going, problems are piling up faster than I can tackle them.
I stare at my phone, willing it to vibrate with an incoming text or call. “Dammit, Lennox,” I mutter, hating that my little sister is making me worry. Again.
Lennox moved in with me after she graduated from high school. Not that I can blame her for wanting out of our childhood home. Still, I was hesitant because of everything I’ve got going on in my own life.
She didn’t have anywhere else to go, and the rest is history. Only, she hasn’t called or shown her face in three days.
Though I haven’t reached the it’s time to freak out stage, it’s quickly approaching.
She’s young, with no responsibilities. On occasion, she sleeps over at a friend’s house or stays with a coworker. But she could respond to my texts, at the very least.
It’s a difficult balancing act.
I’m her sister, not her mom.
And on top of all of that, I’ve made my own mistakes in life. It would be hypocritical to say anything about the way she chooses to live hers.
That doesn’t stop me from worrying about her, especially since I know Lennox has a crush on one of my ex’s security guys. I’ve practically turned blue in the face warning her away from him.
I get it.
I was young and stupid too.
It’s so hard to believe I was just like her four short years ago.
That’s how I ended up involved with Avan in the first place.
I had a full-ride scholarship, which I worked my ass off to achieve.
All that went to shit when I got pregnant with Libby my freshman year.
It was a learning experience.
I thought I took that lesson to heart, but here I am all over again. Except, this time, I’m not only terrified to tell Avan; I know, from experience, exactly how ruthless he can be.
I’m not the same naive girl I was when I told him about my pregnancy with Libby.
Back then, I thought he’d be excited… At the very least, I delusionally hoped he would be.
I know better now.
It’s ridiculous that I’m even pregnant. Liberty was conceived during a heat, but not this time. I didn’t even know omegas could get pregnant outside of a heat until it was too late.
I spent a lot of time trying to decide whether to have the baby, but already having Libby made it harder, in a sense.
I knew that cluster of cells would grow into a baby.
My baby.
Omegas are known for loving kids and wanting big families. I’d say my instincts were in complete control, because no matter how much I tried to talk myself into having an abortion, I couldn’t go through with it.
It’s all fun and games until the stick has two lines.
Libby managed to sleep through me carrying her in, which is rare, but she’s conked out on the couch when someone knocks on the front door. I grimace, shoving myself out of the recliner while trying to keep from waking her.
After the horrible trip to the grocery store, I decided tonight was not the night to cook.
I already know I’m not winning any mother-of-the-year awards, so I ordered chicken fingers and fries from the diner down the street. They have free delivery from seven to nine on weeknights, and it’s one of our favorite places.