Page 31 of Blood Match
Gran nods, acknowledging the point. “True, but what if we combined it with Kara’s idea? Use our traditional wards as a foundation, weave in the psychic elements, and then seal it all with the Veil of Minds?”
As my grandmother speaks, I can see the other witches considering her words carefully. Even those who were skeptical before seem to be coming around.
“It could work,” our High Priestess says slowly, her eyes distant as she works through the magical theory. “The traditional wards would provide stability, the psychic barriers would add an extra layer of protection, and the Veil of Minds would tie it all together.”
“But getting it right would be tricky,” Thaddeus points out, stroking his chin thoughtfully. “We’d need to carefully balance all three elements.”
“Then we’ll need to work together,” Dad suddenly speaks up. “Each coven bringing its unique strengths to the table. It’s the only way we’ll be strong enough.”
Mom nods as she looks at him.
I watch as the High Priestess calls for a vote on the new protective measures. Hands raise one by one, a sea of agreement washing over the room. Kara’s suggestion, bolstered by Gran’s ancient knowledge, has been accepted. Pride and envy swirls in my chest. My sister, always the achiever, has done it again.
“The motion passes,” Seraphina declares, her voice ringing with finality. “We will implement these new defenses immediately.”
I can’t help but smile. We may not be out of danger, but at least we have a plan. It’s more than we had when we walked in here.
“Now,” Seraphina continues, her gaze sweeping the room, “we must address the matter of relations with the vampires.”
“They’re the enemy.” Thaddeus’s lip curls. “There are no relations to speak of.”
“I disagree,” Gran interjects. “We can’t assume that this event was prompted by the vampire leadership. What if we’re dealing with a rogue element?”
Murmurs of agreement, as well as dissent, ripple through the gathering. I find myself nodding along with Gran’s words, surprising myself. After all, wasn’t I ready to blast that vampire to bits during the attack? But something nags at me…a memory of shock and confusion in eyes like ice.
“What do you propose?” Morgan asks, his tone skeptical.
“We send a delegation,” Seraphina takes over from Gran. “To negotiate with the vampire Assembly.” The room erupts into discussion, voices overlapping as opinions clash. “The Assembly is led by Arabella Ravenscroft,” the High Priestess continues. “She’s always been fair-minded. If we could speak with her directly…”
“And risk more of our people?” Ignatius counters, his eyes flashing. “After what they did to us? What they’ve done to us for so long?”
I feel torn, caught between the desire for vengeance and the hope for peace. My gaze drifts to Gran, seeking guidance. She meets my eyes and gives me a small, reassuring nod.
“A small delegation,” Seraphina reinforces, silencing the room. “Carefully chosen and well-protected. We will seek dialogue while maintaining our guard. It’s time we put an end to all of this.”
The vote on this motion passes as well, though with more hesitation than before. I can see the fear and uncertainty on many faces, mirroring my own conflicted feelings.
“I think we should be hitting them with a whammy,’ Poppy mutters. ‘Or better yet, a whole freakin’ Wham! reunion tour.” I make a small shushing sound and am rewarded with a little snort.
As Seraphina begins assigning tasks to various coven leaders, my mind wanders. I think about the vampire again. What would he think of all this? Would he want peace, or is he thirsting for our blood like the others? Probably blood. Just another mindless animal.
“I’m not a mindless animal.”
The voice comes out of nowhere, and this time, I don’t bother looking around for the source. I know exactly where it’s coming from, and I’m rigid with horror. My breath catches in my throat as I realize what’s happening.
He’s here. He’s listening!
Panic floods through me.
How much has he heard? Our plans, our weaknesses, all laid bare to the enemy. I want to scream, to warn the others, but I’m frozen in place, my heart thumping so hard that I almost expect it to echo around the room.
Get out of my head! You have no right to be here!
There’s a moment of silence, and then I feel it: surprise and… Curiosity? Amusement? Before I can decipher it, the presence withdraws, leaving me shaken and confused.
And horrified.
I said, get out!