Page 57 of Blood Match
This gives me pause. Her powers are stronger? Is she feeling it too? The revelation intrigues me, but I can’t afford to lose focus now. Instead, I draw strength from her presence, letting it sharpen my concentration even further.
I weave through the labyrinth with increasing confidence, evading every trap and observer with ease. The shadows bend to my will, concealing me completely. It’s exhilarating, this newfound mastery over an element I’ve wielded for so long.
Finally, I emerge from the maze, materializing before the gathered vampires. The runes surrounding the labyrinth fade, signaling the end of the trial. A hush falls over the chamber.
I stand calmly, meeting Lucien’s gaze with cool confidence.
Come on, fucker…
His jaw clenches, his eyes flashing; the rage within them is red-hot. But when he speaks, his voice is controlled, almost silky. “Well, it seems you’ve passed these ancient tests, Lord Drake. But remember, strength is not just physical.”
Sure. In your case, it’s about deceit and subterfuge.
I keep my expression neutral. “You’re right; strength is more than physical, Lucien,” I reply, my voice carrying across the chamber. “It’s also about honor and leadership – qualities I intend to uphold.”
Qualities you don’t have.
I don’t need to say it out loud for him to know what I’m thinking.
The other vampire leaders begin to disperse, their hushed conversations echoing off the ancient walls. I feel stares on my back and sideways glances. There’s respect there. But lingering suspicion, too. I keep my head high and my stride purposeful.
Let them talk.
Today, I have proven myself beyond a shadow of a doubt.
“I think that should do it.” Marcus is smirking as he falls in step beside me.
I bite out a grim smile. “For now,” I say. I know it’s not over. When you’re dealing with immortals, wars are never won with just one skirmish. And Lucien Marlowe is like a dog with a bone.
As we step through the doorway into the light of the outer offices, I feel a grip on my arm.
“A word, Lord Drake?” It’s Lucien. Of course it is.
“You have more to add?” I swivel my head to him. My message is clear: this argument is over. Marcus pauses with me.
“This won’t take long.” Lucien slants a look at my advisor. I nod at him to go ahead, then turn to face my old adversary. It’s only when we’re entirely alone that Lucien allows his mask to slip.
“This isn’t over, Drake,” he hisses, his face inches from mine. “You may have fooled them with your little display, but I know the truth.”
“The truth?” I raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.
“The Bloodbane,” he spits the word like a curse. “I know you have it. It’s only a matter of time before everyone else sees it, too.”
I remain silent, my expression a picture of indifference. Inside, my mind races.
How much does he actually know?
Lucien’s lips curl into a cruel smile. “But it doesn’t have to end badly for you. Pledge your allegiance to me, and I’ll keep your secret. We could be unstoppable together. If not…” He lets the threat hang in the air.
I observe him silently for several long moments, watching as triumph begins to flash in his eyes. He thinks he’s won. He thinks he’s backed me into a corner.
“Lucien…” I move in close, my voice low enough for only him to hear. “Go fuck yourself.”
The shock on his face is almost comical as I turn and walk away, leaving him sputtering behind me.
Chapter 19