Page 65 of Blood Match
Instead, I turn on my heel, disgust etched into every line of my body. As I stalk away, Lucien’s mocking laughter follows me, echoing in my ears and fueling my fury.
Chapter 21
Isink back into my leather armchair, lost in thoughts of the evening’s events. Marcus stands by the fireplace, staring into the flames. The silence between us is laden with unspoken concerns.
“What’s the plan, Darick?” Marcus finally asks, turning to face me. “Lucien’s not backing down. And his plans are growing more audacious.”
I drop my head against the backrest of my chair, frustration gnawing at me. “I don’t know, Marcus. Even if we try to beat him to the punch by telling the Assembly about my…condition, who’s to say he doesn’t have another ace up his sleeve?”
Marcus nods grimly. “He’s too sneaky to second-guess. And he doesn’t care who he takes down in his grab for power.”
I stand, pacing the room. The taste of the strange witch’s blood still lingers on my tongue, a reminder of how close I came to exposure tonight. “We need to think like Lucien. Try to anticipate his next move.”
“Easier said than done,” Marcus mutters. “He’s a snake; we’re not that slippery. For all we know, he’s already set something in motion that we can’t see coming.”
I stop by the window, staring out at the grounds. “Maybe that’s our problem. We’re playing defense when we should be on the offense.”
“We’re playing ball games now?” Marcus raises an eyebrow.
“Hardly,” I scoff. “Never was my thing.”
“So, what are you suggesting?”
“I’m not sure yet,” I admit. “But we can’t keep reacting to Lucien’s moves. We need to make him react to us.”
We fall into silence again, both lost in our thoughts.
I can’t stop thinking about the blood Lucien gave me. The questions swirl in my mind, demanding answers.
How did he get witch blood?
And why didn’t it taste as intoxicating as Rowan’s?
“Marcus,” I say, breaking the silence. “That blood Lucien offered, the blood that I drank…it was witch blood.”
Marcus nods. “I guessed as much. How the hell did he get it?”
“I don’t know, and that worries me.” I massage the back of my neck, frustrated. “But there’s something else. It didn’t taste…right. Not like Rowan’s blood.”
“Who’s Rowan?”
“Her. The witch I told you about. The one in my head.”
“So now you’re on first-name terms?”
“I guess you could say that.” I don’t intend to go into details. “I’ve tasted her blood.” In the dream realm or not, I know our encounters are real. As real as me standing here right now.
“Well, well…you sly dog!” He chuckles.
“This isn’t a time for jokes, you ass.” I scowl at him.
“Sorry.” Marcus makes a wry face. “Okay, back up a bit… What do you mean, ‘not like Rowan’s’?”
I hesitate, realizing I’ve said more than I intended. But I need answers. “Her blood…it was like nectar. Irresistible. This other witch’s blood was just…blood. Palatable, but nothing special.” I flex my fingers and roll my shoulders. There’s something missing. The blood I drank tonight didn’t make me stronger. “And…” I pull in a breath. “Rowan’s blood boosted my powers.”