Page 105 of Racing Hearts
I nod, holding them tighter, but Evan sniffles. “My friend . . . where will he go?”
“To the hospital,” he answers, smiling sadly at Evan. “We will take good care of him.”
Evan nods rapidly, looking back at the van. “Can you open the bag a little? He doesn’t like the dark, and I don’t want him to be scared.”
The cop glances at me, and I lean down, turning Evan’s face up. “They’ll open it and keep all the lights on, okay? He won’t be scared.”
“But he’ll be alone,” he whispers so brokenly, I swear my heart shatters.
Swallowing my pain for him, I lean down and kiss his head. “He won’t be for long, I promise. We’ll go straight there, okay?”
He nods, and I wipe away his tears, hating them—each one is a blow to my heart, reminding me I failed him. “Come on, pretty boy, we’ll go with them, then to the hospital, and then we’ll go home after. You need to rest.” Taking his hand, I help him to his feet, and we follow the cop to his car.
My eyes go back to the school, and I wonder if anything will ever be the same again.
The station is bustling, even at this hour, with more people than I’ve ever seen until some of the officers finally clear them out. Mr. Ford is in the back, so we are safe. It’s over, but the emotional and mental pain still lingers.
I refuse to leave Evan and Alice, despite them wanting me to get checked over at the hospital. My family needs me, so I stay, helping them explain everything that happened tonight to the officers who, despite everything, are very nice. It’s clear they feel guilty for suspecting Evan and not stopping this sooner.
Evan leans into me, his gaze far away as Alice sobs through her explanation again. His face is pale and tearstained, and he’s cold. An untouched coffee sits before him, and he has a blanket draped over his shoulders, which I tuck around him before I bring him into my arms. He doesn’t even blink.
I think he’s in shock.
I’m worried, but the paramedics assured me he would be okay physically. It’s his mental state that concerns me. Evan is my sunshine, he always has been, and I hate seeing him so . . . broken. I’d do anything to put a smile back on his face, but I know there’s nothing I can do except be here for him.
Tommy was his best friend, his brother, and he’s gone.
Not only that, but Evan is blaming himself.
Guilt will eat you alive if you let it.
“Okay, okay,” Winchester says kindly. “Let’s take a break. You have all been through a lot tonight.”
“What will happen to him?” I nod my head to the holding cells in the back.
They share a look before answering me. “He’ll be moved in the morning and then charged. We have enough evidence for murder, stalking, and property damage. He won’t be bothering you anymore. You can trust that.” They stand, Winchester wincing as he looks us over. “Let me call some officers to take you home, okay?”
I nod and watch them leave before checking on Alice. She’s curled into Lally, still crying, and Lally looks torn, her own tears falling even as she tries to stay strong for my sister.
“Thank you,” I mouth to her before pulling Evan’s head from my shoulder, holding it up. “Pretty boy,” I coo. He doesn’t react at first, so I stroke his face. “Come on, baby, talk to me.”
Worry fills me, and I swallow hard, searching his icy eyes. “Hey, rich fucker,” I snap, my voice mean.
He blinks, his eyes flitting to me. “Alek?” he whispers.
“There you are, pretty boy. You were scaring me,” I admit, rubbing his cheek. “We are going home, okay? Just hold on.”
He blinks and stares at me, and when his voice comes, it’s low and sad. “I need to call Tommy’s parents. What do I tell them?”
“The police will do that, baby,” I assure him.
He shakes his head, tears squeezing from the corners of his eyes, and his voice is raw when he speaks. “No, it should be me, not a stranger.”
“Okay, pretty boy. I’ll be right there with you, alright?” I murmur, stealing a soft kiss. “Then you need to rest and eat something. You are far too pale. Let me look after you, Evan.”
He nods, glancing at Alice. “Are you okay, Alley cat?”