Page 125 of Racing Hearts
He always saw it in me, and he waited for me to see it too.
I watch my boy, and I know I will love this man until the day we are entombed together, the earth taking us back.
Ican’t believe how many people came and saw my work tonight. Even now, I’m shocked as I stare at the empty gallery and my images still hanging on the wall. When I agreed to the showcase, I didn’t know how it would go, but I’m so glad I did it.
Alek was supportive all night, singing my praises, and I swear I fell in love with him all over again.
Moving through my portraits, I stop before the one I never intended to put on display. It’s a happy memory, even if I know what came after, but it’s the last image I have of Tommy. We all look so happy and untouched by the violence this world offers, but we’ve all changed since that night, even in little ways.
Alice struggles to sleep with the lights off.
Lally is scared of loud noises, thinking it’s gunfire even if she won’t admit it.
Alek worries continually about all of us and is still healing.
Skylar . . . well, he won’t admit it, but I found him placing flowers at Tommy’s memorial, and Bones? Bones is Bones. He keeps it all inside, but we’ve become a lot closer.
As for me? I have nightmares, ones I don’t tell Alek about, but he knows, and he never demands I speak. He simply holds me through them. Last night, when he pinned my hands behind me while we were playing, I freaked out so badly I cried.
Yes, we all have our shit now, and we will never be as free as we were in this photo, but we are alive and we have to keep living.
I can’t dishonor Tommy and his sacrifice for me by not. It’s hard, and sometimes I feel so much guilt for him dying to protect me that I can’t breathe, but I’m trying.
I want to make him proud, so when we meet each other again, he’ll give me that wicked Tommy smile and welcome me into his arms.
I never thought I’d have to live without him, but I am, and I know I would give anything for one more minute with him. He was so fucking young, but that is life. We take what we are given, and we find happiness between then and the end.
I smile through the pain as my eyes rove over his handsome face.
“You ready, pretty boy?” Alek calls, and I turn to see him standing with his hand out, waiting for me.
I turn forward, my eyes lingering on Tommy’s face, and I smile softly. “You’ll live on in all of us and through our art, I promise,” I murmur before I take Alek’s hand and let him lead me to the gallery exit. Once there, I look back at the image and reach out to turn off the light.
“Take me home,” I tell Alek.
“Gladly.” We head toward his car and our home.
Toward my future with him.
We barely make it through the front door before I grab him and throw him into a wall. I hear something crash, but neither of us care as our lips meet in a desperate, wicked kiss, our tongues tangling as he tries to strip my jacket off with a mumbled growl of impatience.
Grinning against his lips, I tug his shirt out of his pants and slip my hands inside the deep, gaping material, caressing his chest. He moans, his head falling back against the wall as I slide my mouth down his throat and across his pecs.
“Pretty boy,” he begs.
Smirking, I slide lower until I’m on my knees, and I meet his gaze.
“Fuck,” he whispers. “You look like a goddamn angel right now on your knees for me. You make me feel like a fucking devil about to defile you.”
“Hmm, really?” I ask as I undo his belt and slowly tug his pants down, exposing his tight black boxers and his huge, hard length underneath. The sight makes my mouth dry as my dick jerks. I want to feel him inside me. “I think it’s more like I’m about to defile you,” I retort with a grin.
“Too fucking true. You’ve tempted me since we first met,” he growls, sliding his hand into my hair as I place a kiss on his cock. Gliding my mouth up his body, I press my lips to his once more.
“Then let me tempt you again,” I whisper wickedly. “I know what I want as a prize for being a good boy and keeping my hands to myself all night.” We’ve talked about it before.
He smirks. “You felt me up in the bathroom.”