Page 92 of Racing Hearts
“What’s happening?” I ask.
She eyes me. “Your girlfriend?”
“Sister,” I reply.
“Cute? Shy? Introvert without many friends?” We both nod, and she laughs. “Seems he still has a type. They were probably murdered for being near her.”
“They attacked her.”
“That will do it, but anyone who’s close to her, a threat to him, will end up the same way. Don’t rely on the cops. They won’t do anything. They didn’t for me.” She purses her lips. “It wasn’t about them. It’s about your sister. At least that’s how it was for me. The ones who were killed when I was there were my ex and someone I went on a date with. It didn’t take me long to get the picture. I was terrified. Flowers would turn up with notes, and then it started to escalate. Someone broke into my dorm and slept in my bed, and one night, I swore someone watched me sleep, and then I started to feel them watching me all the time. It got really bad, and I was scared. I went to the police, and they listened to me at first and offered protection . . .”
“But?” I prompt.
“But he had money and connections and made it all go away. The murders were covered up as suicides, and even the police said I was making things up.” Evan reaches over, covering her hand on the table, and she looks at him, her expression softening.
“My father . . . he doesn’t know. No one believed me. No one wanted to after it was covered up. I was called a liar, a troublemaker. I ended up dropping out. I didn’t feel safe or welcome.”
“You are saying this person was obsessed with you, stalking you, and killing anyone who got too close to you, and no one did anything?” I snap.
“You don’t understand,” she hisses. “He’s untouchable. He’s like a god, comes from money and power. He’s not someone you mess with if you want to live, and I wanted to live so I disappeared where he couldn’t find me. I thought that would be the end. I’m so sorry. If it’s him and he’s taken an interest in your sister, then you don’t stand a chance. Get her out of there fast. He won’t stop, not until he has her.”
“Who?” I ask. “Give me his name.”
“No, I won’t. I won’t even speak it. If I do and you go after him, I’m dead. Don’t you understand? He left me alone because I’ve been silent and his family made him, but if I speak, not only is my father dead, but so am I. His dad is covering my father’s bills. It’s hush money. I have no other choice. I can’t. I wish I could, believe me, but he won’t stop. He’s only gotten meaner and older. He isn’t afraid to kill someone to get what he wants. He knows he can’t be touched, knows not even the police can stand in his way. Take your sister and leave before it’s too late.”
“And what about those who come after her? What about the ones he killed? We just let him?” I ask incredulously.
“You can’t stop him.” She stands. “Nobody can, not two boys from nowhere. It’s better to run. You need to leave before he finds out you’re here, please.”
“Clarissa—” Evan starts.
“Please leave, now.” We share a look and rise, but at the door, Evan looks back at her.
“Was it worth it? Running and hiding? You’ve lost your entire life. Don’t you wish you fought?”
“I’m not strong enough. No one is,” she admits. “No, it’s better to lose everything. At least I’m still alive.”
She shuts the door after us, and I grind my teeth. “We need that name. If she’s right, he won’t stop, and the police won’t do anything. Maybe we should go?” I hate the idea, but if it’s the only way to keep Alice safe, then I’ll do it.
“I’m tired of running,” Evan murmurs as he looks at me. “Besides, it won’t stop, not even if we leave.”
“I won’t force you or her to give up your future, not for one wacko.” I wrap my arms around him as we head to the car and get in, our eyes on her house. “We need to find who it was. We can look into who is paying for her father’s care and talk to her old classmates. We’ll find him before he finds us. I’ll keep you both safe.”
“You aren’t alone in this,” Evan says as I look at him, memorizing his beautiful face.
“I know. Thank you, pretty boy,” I murmur as I kiss his hand, “for giving me something to do.”
“Alice is my family now too,” he says. “Besides, I want this idiot caught as much as you do. He got me detained, remember?”
“True, only I can put you in handcuffs.”
“Exactly. Princess, you are getting bold, but I like your thinking.” His smile fades. “If she is right, though, then we need more than just the two of us. We need to beat him at his own game. No one is untouchable.”
“You have an idea?” Something in his eyes makes me frown.
“I do, but you aren’t going to like it.”
“You what?” I ask, gaping at him. “You are in a secret society, like for real, that isn’t some movie bullshit?”