Page 17 of Kintolf Rising
When he parts the branches, Myla wearily glances his way. He is torn…does he lay next to her or find his own space? The area is big enough for four, perhaps five people.
Deciding to take a chance and crawl over next to Myla, Tekil stretches out alongside her. To his surprise, she rolls over and snuggles against his side. Instinctively, he wraps an arm around her, and she moves her head onto his shoulder, her arm wrapping around his middle.
“I like your fur. It’s warm.” She doesn’t sound angry anymore.
“It bothers me to always remain in this form,” he begrudgingly admits.
“It does have its advantages though,” she replies as she rubs her cheek over it. Against his will, his cock starts to harden.
“Sometimes, yes.”
The tension is thick; even in his aroused state he is unsure of himself and what to do.
“How did they take you prisoner, if you do not mind my asking?”
He feels her shoulders briefly tense just before she starts drawing tiny imaginary circles on his chest with her finger.
“Mom and Dad never wanted me to leave home, always claiming it was too dangerous and that they needed help on the farm. I always dreamed of traveling, seeing new places, but even at my age, I found it difficult to disappoint them. My Aunt Viv, Mom’s sister, came for a visit last summer. She knew I dreamed of exploring, and after talking about the added security measures, explaining how safe space travel is now, she convinced them to let me visit her at work.
“Aunt Viv bought me a ticket, and I was headed to the Skau Space Station when the shuttle was attacked…after that all I have is just bits and pieces of memories. I don’t know why they took me, and I don’t know what happened to the others that were on the shuttle with me.”
“And your parents?”
“I doubt Aunt Viv told them I never made it. She wouldn’t want to worry them, even though she is probably a wreck thinking that I died…or worse.”
“And this was the first time you had left your Earth?” This could account for her strange dialect and defensive attitude.
“It is puzzling that the Acradidia are now interested in Humans. The Hi-Cas of the Galactic Council is Human; this incident will surely gain his attention.”
Her hand treads through the fur running across his upper chest and his cock springs to life. Taking slow, deep breaths, Tekil closes his eyes, willing it to go down. What would they think of him back home? What would Zeno and Vi’del think?
Zeno’s thoughts slide into his mind. I would think that things have changed, and you need to embrace your primal side.
If I was there, I wouldn’t hesitate, Vi’del chimes in.
As much as Tekil tries, his cock hardens almost painfully, and a low growl boils up from inside. Without thought, Tekil quickly flips over, pinning Myla underneath his hard body. Using his knee, he spreads her legs wide to accommodate his large frame.
She tilts her head up, eyes locked, and meets his growl with one of her own. The air is thick with primal need before she leans up and nips his lower lip. The coppery taste of his own blood explodes inside his mouth just before he devours her plump, soft lips, exploring her mouth with his tongue, tasting the delicious raw meat, his hips pressing down into hers.
Roughly, he grips her thigh, opening her even more. Her unique scent smacks him in the face and a blinding primal need to taste her, a need to caress her skin, a need to—
“Ow!” She jerks her leg, snapping him out of a lust-filled haze.
Rising up onto his knees, he glances down her body and sees that his partially extended claws have pierced her thigh, blood trickling down from the scratch on her leg.
“I am so sorry,” he says in disgust. It is an easy reminder of how different he is now. Holding up his hand, blood coats one claw tip, reminding him of the monster he has become.
“It’s okay, really. It just surprised me, that’s all.”
“I can help. Let me…” he bends over, his mouth inches away from the scratch on the inside of her thigh. Without a covering over her crotch, her smell and desire are almost overwhelming. Not wanting to lose control again, Tekil holds his breath and licks the inside cut, giving her the healing nanonites.
Her hips arch and it’s all he can do to contain himself. Letting go of her leg, Tekil shifts to his knees and reluctantly, painfully, crawls back up beside her.