Page 24 of Kintolf Rising
The Acradidia are screaming as they filter in one after another. Tekil hands Vi’del, Soav, and Hitak the extra weapons and then he, Myla, and Andred stand in a tight circle, weapons aimed. Zeno stalks over and rips Myla’s weapon away from her, shoving her behind him. Visibly annoyed, Myla snatches her weapon back with a low growl at Zeno. He doesn’t get a chance to argue before Myla fires at the enemy. Then Andred lets out another intense growl, and fires at the Acradidia too, and the fight truly begins.
Black blood splashes against the walls with each hit. The high frequency screaming seems endless as more and more Acradidia keep filtering in. Myla, Tekil notes, has already taken down three of them.
There are more of them than I realized… Tekil thinks.
Really? I hadn’t noticed, comes Vi’del’s sarcastically grim reply, and Tekil senses Zeno’s sardonic amusement at the sheer outrageousness of the situation.
One of the Acradidia returns fire, almost hitting Tekil in the shoulder. Zeno fires at it, scoring a direct hit. A feminine shriek followed by the sound of a weapon hitting the floor catches his attention. And then…
“Nooo!” Tekil hears Myla yell as he spins around and sees an Acradidia taking aim, at him. It all happens so fast. The weapon is aimed at him, but Myla, clutching an injured hand, nevertheless springs up, twisting her body to place it between him and the weapon; Zeno shoots the Acradidia in synchronous unity as the alien fires its own weapon. And then the acidic blood splatters across Myla’s face and shoulders, the weapons’ beam nicking her side. She screams as she bounces off the floor and rolls around in agony.
End this! Zeno orders.
Both Zeno and Tekil open fire on the remaining Acradidia, and from the corner of his eye, Tekil sees Vi’del lay down his weapon and scoop Myla up in his arms.
Tekil fires at the Acradidia in front of him, killing it in one shot, but another and another takes its place, until finally the last one falls.
The silence is deafening, the only sound Myla’s low sobs of pain. Anger boils up and Tekil wants to kill them all again.
“Release the other prisoners,” Zeno orders with icy calm.
Hitak roars, bends down and picks up another weapon, and as he stalks slowly down the passageway, fires at every locking mechanism until they all spring open.
Tekil hands Zeno his weapon, heads over to Vi’del, and takes Myla into his own arms.
She has been shot, Vi’del growls, staring at the blood coating his hands.
Peering down into her tear-filled eyes, Tekil sees the red splotches scattered across her face and arms. Her side is literally weeping blood. Even though they are not linked with her as with each other, all three of them can almost feel her pain.
We need to heal her! Tekil cries, bordering on panic as fear courses though his body.
Humans are fragile, and her wounds appear life-threatening.
Without waiting on Andred and his team, Tekil, Vi’del and Zeno stalk out of the room, not caring about the other prisoners. They are all free and right now, Myla is the first priority.
Where are we going? Vi’del asks, a sliver of worry in his own voice.
I need to find water and rinse the wounds, Tekil replies.
Perhaps the lab? Zeno suggests.
Tekil hesitates. The lab is the last place Tekil wants to be, but what choice do they have?
It is worth checking, although the quicker we get out of here, the better I will feel, Tekil replies.
Me too! Vi’del and Zeno reply in unison.
Stalking into the lab brings back far too many painful memories. Pushing them away, Tekil lays Myla on the metal table, while the others search the room.
Her skin looks painful to the touch as it melts away from the burning acid. Raw areas are sprinkled across her face and neck, spreading out to her shoulders.
Tekil rips the long brown covering over her head and examines her lower right-side wound. Exhaling in relief, it’s not that deep.
“I am sorry, Myla. I should have protected you better.”
Clutching her small hand, his chest tightens and he desperately wants to transfer the healing nanonites, but the acid will burn his mouth if they try to heal her too soon. Every second of the search feels like an hour. Tekil is about to give up when Vi’del says, Found some!
He rushes over carrying a pail. Instinctively, Tekil sniffs the contents just to make sure it is indeed water. It is stagnant and a little moldy, but it’s still water. The three of them surround Myla, cupping their hands in the pale and softly pouring water over the irritated burns.