Page 26 of Kintolf Rising
In my entire twenty-four years, I have never felt such pain, such agony as I roll around on the floor. Someone could have stuck a hot poker to my skin, and it wouldn’t hurt any more than it does right now.
Someone picks me up; his smell is comforting as he holds me with great gentleness. And then someone else takes me from him. I want to protest, tell him no, until I realize Tekil has me. He whispers that he will make me feel better, and kisses the top of my head.
I want to say thank you, but the pain intensifies and I struggle to remain conscious. I know the other two—Vi’del and Zeno—are trailing behind us. Don’t ask me how, I just know.
When he lays me own the metal lab table, my heartbeat skips and I almost begin to hyperventilate. In my heart, I know Tekil will not hurt me, but the experiments… I panic.
Tekil holds my wrists down and I feel betrayed. How could he do that to me? If things were reversed, I would never pin him to this fucking table!
Water washes across my face, neck, and shoulders. The acidic burns hurt at the slightest touch. Still they keep pouring water over them and the pain eases, but only a little.
Tekil licks my forehead, then my cheeks, and it eases the burning sensation even more. Someone is licking the right side of my neck, while someone else is licking the left, eventually licking my hand.
It feels like lip balm on severely cracked lips. As the pain fades, a new desire blossoms and drenches my core. I lean up to kiss Tekil, and at first, he kisses me back. Then he pulls away, pulls the ugly sack over my head, and lifts me into his strong arms.
I know he’s self-conscious about his tuffs of fur, but I wish I could make him understand how warm and comforting it is, how powerful it makes him look.
We’re on the move again. Once we reach the ladder, I ask him to put me down.
“No,” is his only word before he starts climbing up the ladder.
Good. I don’t like it down in the cave.
At some point, I drift off to sleep.
When I wake, the first thing I notice are the enclosed tree branches surrounding me. The burning sensation has completely vanished, and I know I owe them my gratitude.
My side still hurts a little, but nothing like before.
Glancing around, I silently gasp as I discover the three muscled men sprawled out asleep. I take my time drinking in their masculine beauty, each one different, but all so sexy. I want to lay near Tekil, but he’s almost pinned against the tree trunk.
The one with the most room is dark blue, long black hair fanning around his head; he’s snoring lightly.
The other guy is a paler shade of blue, muscled, also with black hair, though his is only shoulder length. Of the three, Tekil is the least muscular; still, he sports a powerful frame.
Hesitating, I crawl over to the dark blue guy with the most room and snuggle close, but not touching. I can feel the heat from his body; it makes me feel safe.
Staring at his long, slick black hair, I reach out to feel the strands. An inch away, I let my hand drop and sigh. I don’t want to wake him.
You know that moment when you first become aware of your surroundings after a night’s sleep? That’s me right now. The first thing I notice is the warm chest under my cheek, my arm draped around a man’s waist, his fingers playing with my dirty hair. With eyes still closed, I think back to where I am, what happened.
I tense, my eyes pop open and I bolt upright. Chest heaving, I look around and see that it’s just me and…him. “Where are the others?”
“They went hunting.” He gently tugs my arm and pulls me back down.
I scoot away. “Who are you?”
“Zeno.” He sits up, his eyes roaming the length of my body. It makes me uncomfortable. I can’t remember the last time I had a bath, and… I covertly sniff my underarm. Yep, I stink.
Zeno laughs, and I shoot him a quick, angry glare.
“Do not worry, little one, none of us have bathed in a long time.”
But I do worry. Not only is my brown sack dress covered with dirt and dried blood, I feel like I’ve been wallowing with the pigs. Not that I’m trying to impress him or anything; I just don’t like smelling like BO.
“Zeno…” I swallow hard. He’s very easy on the eyes, but his chiseled chin holds a hardness. “You work in planet security, right?”
“I see Tekil has told you about me.”