Page 32 of Kintolf Rising
“I am,” Vi’del smiles at her.
It is then that Tekil realizes it is not jealousy he feels with them around her, it’s his own insecurities caught in this half-changed state.
“Thank you for rescuing us,” Vi’del adds.
Smooth, Tekil says sarcastically.
I thought so. Vi’del smiles at Myla again. She is timid at times and needs a slow hand until that aggressive part takes hold.
“Alrighty then,” Myla interjects, studying them. “This silence is awkward. Do any of you know how to get off this planet? You know, before we get captured again?”
Tekil chuckles. “After we eat, we plan on searching for one of their ships.”
“Well, that’s a good start,” she mutters.
About half-way through their meal, the scent hits Tekil first, followed by low, menacing growls.
Andred! he alerts the others.
The three of them stand in unison, forming a tight protective circle around Myla when Andred steps into sight, flanked by Hitak and Soav.
Kill him! Zeno orders.
Not yet, Tekil cautions.
Why should we wait? Vi’del asks, even though it sounds more like a statement.
We don’t kill because we want to. Wait until he gives us a reason.
One more step closer, Andred’s eyes lock onto the half-eaten carcass. “Is the food for everyone?”
It’s a challenge, he can feel it. Looking at the other two Kintue with Andred, Tekil sees that they are just as unstable.
You don’t mean for us to hand our food over? Zeno asks, both his eyes and Vi’del’s briefly shifting Tekil’s way.
Now is not the time to fight.
“Of course,” Tekil says aloud, offering a forced smile.
The three men step forward to claim the remaining meat. After tearing off a few chunks, Andred asks, “So, what’s the plan?”
The air thickens with tension and Tekil knows that at any moment, a fight will break lose unless he intervenes. Zeno and Vi’del will not want to take the other three with them, but to borrow Myla’s phrase, there is ‘safety in numbers’ should they encounter any hostiles on the way to find ships.
“After we eat, I say we look for a ship and get off this planet,” Tekil replies calmly.
Andred squats, his elbows resting on his knees while holding a chunk of meat. He grins. “I have already found one.”
“Is that where you have been?”
“It is best to know your surroundings.” He chucks the last bite into his mouth and stands. “Ready when you are.”