Page 35 of Kintolf Rising
Down below, my eyes lock with an angry, petite, dark-haired woman. Bastian drops a kiss on her forehead, says something and walks on, before the other one—I think I heard them call him Moak—also kisses her, and then… I shake my head slightly in disbelief. The third one—Serkan—follows suit.
Tekil takes my hand and tugs me forward. “Come on, Myla.”
Standing a few feet away from the Human woman, her eyes shift from the guys to my brown sack dress before she steps forward.
“I’m Tia.”
“Myla,” I offer.
She nods her head toward the door. “Come with me and you can get cleaned up.”
Tekil tenses, Vi’del and Zeno step closer, and the three of them almost cage me in.
Tia notices and drops her arms. “Ah, come on guys. Really? You think I’m going to hurt her?”
My gaze touches on each of the guys, and my shoulders relax.
“I do want something new to wear.” I step forward, out of their odd protective cage. “Talk with your friends, find out what’s going on, and I’ll be back soon.”
Stepping up next to Tia, she flashes a faint smile at me, then turns. I follow her out the door.
It’s strange to see English words as we pass by various compartments. Cargo Bay 2, Cargo Bay 3, Observation Lounge… finally, I feel somewhat familiar with my surroundings and (almost) safe.
We stop in front of a door that reads ‘Captain’s Quarters’. Tia smiles over her shoulder. “We’re here.” And the door slides open.
The room is large, with plush chairs, a large cream-colored couch, and floor-to-ceiling windows. It’s both beautiful and terrifying to see how far we are from the planet’s surface.
I’m still gaping at the window when Tia says, “Mesmerizing, isn’t it?”
Tearing my gaze away, I meet her eyes. “Yes, it is.”
One side of her lips tip upwards. “Come on. I’ll show you something even better.”
Another door slides open and I spot the biggest bed I’ve ever seen sitting in the center of the room—think triple king-sized.
“Umm, do you think your bed is big enough?” I don’t mean to ask, it just sort of slips out.
Tia eyes the bed for a brief second. “Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It really depends on how spread out my guys sleep. It’s really quite annoying at times.”
“Guys?” I ask, dragging my gaze away from the bed to look at Tia.
What is she talking about?
She shrugs, tilts her head slightly as though she thinks I already know. I really don’t.
When I continue to wait, she finally gives her head a little shake and says, “Moak, Bastian, and Serkan.”
My eyes widen in disbelief.
“Oh, don’t give me that,” Tia continues. “Like you aren’t sleeping with those three hunky men who came with you.”
“I’m not!”
Tia stares at me with incredulous rounded eyes before a smile snakes across her face. “Well, you should be.”
Heat rushes to my cheeks and Tia laughs, which only embarrasses me even more.
When she notices how out of my comfort zone I am, she pats my shoulder. “Let’s get you cleaned up and then we’ll find some food and talk. I’m sure a lot has changed for you recently.”