Page 40 of Kintolf Rising
“Moak and Bastian have been explaining the situation to us.”
My eyes lift to his at the hard tone in his voice.
“What situation?”
“It is nothing to be concerned with.” His face softens again into a smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
That only makes me more curious. “Please tell me.”
He sighs. “Apparently, we can never return to Kintuke.”
“But you have a job there...”
“I do…did…it’s hard to explain.” Holding out his hand, he adds, “Let’s get out of here, go somewhere where we can talk in private.”
I glance toward the bar/kitchen area. “What about your food?”
“I have already had something to eat.”
I keep reminding myself that I’m in freaking outer space where food isn’t always made in a traditional kitchen. I smile and lay my hand in his.
As soon as his fingers close around mine, I feel the heat spread up my arm and into my chest. Something—I’ve yet to name it—rears up as my eyes lock onto his neck. My gums tingle and I have the sudden urge to draw his blood.
“Myla, are you all right?” My gaze glides up his neck, across his strong jaw, until I meet concerned eyes.
I lick my hungry lips.
Vi’del’s eyes change; at first, they narrow and then widen as his lip twitches into a near snarl. A low growl boils from his throat. He jumps to his feet, knocking the chair over, and sweeps me into his arms.
Heading out of the bar area, his lips devour my own in a scorching kiss. I vaguely hear Jax ask, “What about his food?”
Tia’s laugh follows us as her words fade with distance. “Good for you, Myla.”
As Vi’del briskly strides down the hall, I don’t care where we’re going. My fingers thread through his hair, my tongue doing the tango with his. His lips are smooth and moist as they move over mine with a hunger that matches my own.
I’m tired of waiting, tired of worrying about my conceived notions of right and wrong, tired of fighting whatever this is between all of us.
Tia’s right, this is not Earth and Human rules don’t apply. Maybe the Acradidia did hardwire my desire to connect me to him—to the others—but it’s done now, and I can’t change that. Nor can I deny the magnetic, electrifying attraction I feel as my hands glide over Vi’del’s hard muscles, loving the way they ripple with each movement.
Even if I could, I don’t want to change it, I realize. I don’t want to go back to the way things were, to the girl I was before I left Earth…
I hear the whoosh of a door opening, and without thinking, twist my body around to straddle him.
My only Human sexual encounter was mediocre at best, but I still remember the magic of Zeno’s fingers, and all I want is to have Vi’del inside me. Actually, I want all of them inside me.
My back hits the wall and Vi’del flicks open the buttons of my pants, working his hand down the front.
His hand works under the seam of my panties until I feel his fingers at my entrance.
I break the kiss and tilt my head back, eyes closed as I allow myself to feel everything.
He stills his hand, making me look him in the eyes. They are so intense as his masculine, earthy musk draws me in. The only sound is our heavy breathing, and then…
He plunges his finger deep inside, twisting it around before repeating it again and again.