Page 66 of Kintolf Rising
I laugh. Zeno raises an eyebrow at the threat.
“He’s kidding,” I say.
Zeno shakes his head. “He is not. That is a good thing.”
I smile, amused that he approves of my dad threatening them. We talk a little longer, then Mom gives me a content smile.
“It’s nice to see you happy. And alive,” she laughs joyously. “We will plan a visit soon.”
“Thanks, Mom.” My eyes shift from one to the other. “I love you guys.”
Dad pats Mom’s back again. “We love you too, Myla.”
Then the screen goes dark. I lean back in the chair, delighted. That went so much better than any scenario in my head. I should’ve given them more credit.
Tekil surprises me when he says, “When things get settled on Taugon, perhaps we can also visit them on Earth.”
Vi’del grins. “Of course.”
I bounce to my feet, planting kisses on each of them. “I love ya’ll so, so much!”
It takes about two weeks to arrive on Taugon, maybe less. It’s really hard to keep up with time when you’re on a space ship.
As we take a flyer down to the planet, I’m nervous. I’m still really not sure what to expect.
Tia grins at me. “A word of advice: don’t eat the berries.”
“Okay.” I laugh.
Who in their right mind would eat wild berries? Growing up on a farm, even I know that wild berries are more than likely poisonous...
That’s a story I’ll have to ask her about one day...
“Unless you want to go on a terrifying trip, in which case, eat all you want,” she adds mischievously.
Never mind. Now I’m afraid to ask what the hell she’s talking about.
“I almost didn’t rescue my guys, thinking they were walking, talking hallucinations,” she continues.
I burst out laughing.
Moak glances back over his shoulder. “She is not joking.”
In the short time we’ve all been together, it already feels like family. Tia is like the sister I never had. I can totally see her getting us both into trouble.
We land with a soft thud, and everyone stands. I cast an almost shy smile at my guys. This is my—our—new home, and we’re here together, seeing it for the first time.
Then a thought crosses my mind, and I wonder if there are any Acradidia left here?
“Don’t worry,” Tia says as though she can read my mind; I must have a glass face or something. She pats my arm. “When we claimed this world as our own, all the labs were destroyed. We made sure there were no Acradidia left here.”