Page 57 of Fighting a Riot
Volt wandered through the front door followed by Cal, who almost bumped into Volt when he stopped short. “Why’d you cut your hair?”
Cal peered over Volt’s shoulder. “Jesus. Haven’t seen you like that in over a decade.”
Since Yak couldn’t catch a break, Blood entered the room, his face twisted with confusion and a hint of disgust. “What happened to your hair?”
Yak tipped his head backward and told the room. “I fuckin’ cut my hair. It’s not a capital crime.”
Blood chuckled. “You’re right, but why did you cut your hair?”
Yak heaved a sigh and met Blood’s gaze. “I donated it to a place that makes wigs for kids with cancer.”
Andrea’s hand went to her chest. “Oh my God, that is so sweet, Yak!”
He shook his head, fighting the urge to say it was far from sweet. It started one way–wanting to give his hair to Nora, so he could get laid at a later date– but it ended a different way –giving his hair to, hopefully, two kids in an effort to assuage his guilt.
A rare, abashed look crossed Blood’s face. “Damn. Now I feel bad, like I should go donate my hair.”
Yak’s grin was laced with mischief. “Damn right. It would help the kids and help your ugly mug.”
Blood flicked Yak off. “Fucker.”
Volt grinned. “Good we got that out of the way before church. Let’s get this shit done.”
Sitting at the head of the table, Volt glanced between Turk and Yak. “Are you both on board? We end the two-man parking lot surveillance today.”
Turk sighed and shrugged. “Yeah. Everyone voted.”
It wasn’t a unanimous vote. Yak, Turk, and Punc voted against ending the extra protection.
Yak nodded. “Got no choice but to be on board. Though it’s Sunday, and not to jinx myself, but things aren’t usually as crowded or hectic.”
Turk tipped his head to the side. “Right. All day it had that feel to it.”
Volt adjourned the meeting and Yak prowled out of the meeting room before most of his other brothers.
After the grief he took before church, he hit his room, and scarfed down a sandwich before leaving for Platinum’s.
He’d walked two feet down the hall before Prime came out of his room. He gave Yak a chin lift. “Sorry the vote didn’t go your way, but I think having brothers in the parking lot hurt business the past couple weeks.”
Yak aimed mild side-eye at him. “Based on what?”
Prime shrugged a shoulder. “Didn’t seem as crowded, even on Friday nights. Plus, I saw a couple guys turn around when they first came in because they noticed the lot being patrolled.”
“It occur to you that was a good thing?”
“I figure men walking in the door with their money’s better.”
Yak dipped his chin. “Sure, until they start a fight or some shit and we gotta replace chairs or tables.”
Prime nodded. “Hadn’t thought about that. Anyway, I think things are gonna be fine.”
“Time will tell. You on tonight?”
Prime shook his head. “Nope. Later, man.”
An hour later, Yak moved through the floor of Platinum’s. Turk’s observation that business was slow still held true. The sun hadn’t set yet however, so he held out hope that things would pick up.
As he settled at his desk, his phone chimed with a text from Desiree –one of their dancers.