Page 59 of Fighting a Riot
Yak looked at him. “Then why were you out here at all?”
“I always take the trash out after the shift change, you know that –hell you were the one who trained me.”
That wasn’t saying much. Either Yak or Turk trained every brother who worked at Platinum’s. Those words were on the tip of Yak’s tongue when gunfire rang out.
All three of them hit the ground. Chunks of concrete sprayed off the building as bullets flew.
“Fuck! I don’t have a gun on me,” Tundra yelled.
“Stay quiet, Tun,” Volt bit out.
Yak saw movement from across the parking lot. He lifted up to a crouch and ran behind a close by vehicle. A bullet hit the taillight of a car as he dove behind it.
In a recess of his mind, he registered the sound of footsteps pounding across the parking lot.
Yak rounded the front of the car, still in a crouch. He prowled along the curb of the parking area, keeping level with the vehicles. Like Tundra, he didn’t have his gun on him either, but he pulled his switchblade from his pocket.
The crack of another gun rent the air, and he suspected Volt was drawing fire to cover for him.
A man wearing grass-colored cargo pants came out from behind a car ten feet from Yak. Making the most of the element of surprise, Yak tackled him. He heard the gun clatter on the pavement. The movement of the man’s head telegraphed his intention to head-butt Yak. He dodged it and pressed his blade to the man’s neck.
“Who the fuck are you?” he demanded.
The man’s knee came up sharp against Yak’s inner thigh. He shoved his knee on that leg, his eyes wide with anger. Then he realized the man wore a leather cut.
The club name drew his attention first.
Devil Lancers.
The name patch below read ‘Ghost.’
“I should kill you, motherfucker.”
Ghost snickered. “You don’t have the balls. Never fuckin’ have. None of you Riot pussies do.”
Yak didn’t rise to the bait. The Devil Lancers had fucked with the Riot multiple times in the past and they’d eliminated the threat every time.
A siren could be heard in the distance as Volt and Tundra came up beside them.
“Let’s go. Need to get him inside before the cops show up,” Volt said.
“Fine, but Tundra isn’t helping us tie this asshole up.”
“I’m not in on this, Yak,” Tundra clipped out.
“Then you won’t mind waiting to be brought in the loop,” Yak said.
Thirty minutes later, Yak wandered away from the front of the club after answering questions from police officers who had responded to the call about gunfire in the area. He’d feigned ignorance because turning Ghost over to the authorities wouldn’t give them any answers.
And likely wouldn’t put an end to the issue.
He entered his office to find Volt, Blood, and Turk inside.
With a sigh, he shook his head. “Gang’s all here to rehash shit, I take it?”
Blood nearly rolled his eyes as he blew out a breath of irritation. “You’re accusing a brother of being in on this shit. What the fuck?”
Chapter 10