Page 90 of Fighting a Riot
He put a glass of orange juice on the table. “Last night while you were sleeping, I double checked the parking lot footage from the morning when we first met. That was Ralph the head of our cleaning crew, he was wearing a black down-vest, not an MC cut.”
I nodded. “Thanks for checking.”
The back door opened, and two men came inside. One of them was a biker named Vamp, who I’d met before though briefly. Vamp kept his head shaved bald, had gages in his ears and an eyebrow ring. His blue eyes were mesmerizing they were so striking. The man beside him wasn’t wearing a cut, but had the same eyes. He didn’t sport any piercings and was dressed in tan cargo shorts and a Rip Curl t-shirt.
Vamp smiled when he saw me. “Just the woman we’re looking for.”
“Why’s that?” Yak asked before I could respond.
Vamp’s eyes darted to yak. “Make four more eggs. We’re joining you.”
Yak had slid two eggs onto a plate. “Fuck that. Make your own, Vamp. You know where everything is.” He glanced at the other man. “No offense, Brock.”
Brock grinned and shook his head. “None taken, Yak. But we are here to help your friend, so maybe just make two eggs for me.”
Vamp prowled to the fridge. “You bastards. Nora, you’re lucky it’s your problem we’re solving and not Yak’s, or we’d be out.”
I chuckled. “Okay, but I’m confused. What problem could you possibly solve for me?”
Yak put the plate in front of me. “Trixie said you got a wedding DJ giving you grief.”
During our first trip to my oncologist, Trixie had asked about what kind of wedding I’d planned and if I was getting money back with the cancellation. I had forgotten how much I’d told her, but I’d never expected her to share with any of the men.
With a slow nod, I glanced at each of the men. “Yeah, but I don’t see how a biker… and his non-biker brother are going to help.”
Brock pulled out the other chair and sat across from me. “You’re right, I’m Vamp’s biological brother and I live in Orlando.”
I cut an egg using the side of my fork. “Nice to meet you, but how can you help with a DJ who lives here?”
He smiled and it made his eyes twinkle. “I used to be a nightclub DJ, but our youngest brother, Gabe, is still working as a DJ while he builds a small business catering to weddings and other events that need music.”
Yak plated his food and got out of the way for Vamp, who had the eggs out along with a loaf of bread.
While Vamp started cooking, Yak leaned his back against the counter and looked at me. “Brock and his brother Gabe looked into the asshole who’s jerking you around.”
“But… why?”
Yak set his fork on his plate with a clatter. “Are your doctor bills gonna pay themselves? That bastard got a night off at your expense. I get that he probably couldn’t book the time with such short notice, but hell, the florist let you off the fuckin’ hook—”
“Only by half and really that was because they were able to sell the flowers that had already been ordered.”
My gaze went back to Brock when he spoke. “That guy should have done the same at least. But, Gabe found out you aren’t the first woman he’s given the run-around, and we’re gonna do something about it.”
I scoffed quietly. “What could you all possibly do about it? I mean, I know bikers are intimidating and all that, but this seems like overkill.”
Brock grinned. “Won’t be the brothers doing anything about it, Nora. It’ll be me and Gabe.”
“I signed his contract, Brock. Technically, he hasn’t given me a run-around… he just isn’t very empathetic or kind.”
Brock’s eyebrow went up for a moment. “You’d be right if he were using a contract that was on the up-and-up. Gabe’s reaching out to these other women he’s hustled, and he’s checking with the professional organization they’re both members of to see if there aren’t other things that can be done.”
I shook my head. “I don’t want to make waves.”
Yak had finished his food and set his plate on the counter. “Too bad, princess. We’re gettin’ your money back. Hell, be happy it’s Brock and Gabe handling this. I’d enjoy roughing this asshole up and demanding more than your money back.”
The way his eyes flared with malice when he said that, I had no doubt Yak meant it.